Wednesday, September 27, 2017

2020 Crazy Quilt Challenge: Blocks 5 and 6

Blocks 5 and 6 are now embellished.
They are part of a crazy quilt I'm making using 6 inch improv circles and neutrals.  The challenge is to use 2020 different items to create a crazy quilt by 2020. 

Block 5

I crocheted that motif several years ago while camping- it's from the book The Go -To Book for Irish Crochet Motifs.  I hope it doesn't end up being too bulky for the small blocks.  The other trims and beads I had in my stash - usually thrift store finds. 

Block 5 Count
Fabrics: 4
Laces/trims: 3 
Embroidered motifs: 1
Stitches/stitch combos: running, lazy daisy with beads (2)
Beads/charms/buttons:  silver seed beads, dragonfly charm (2)
Threads: DMC Embroidery floss 3790, 844, 848 & Sullivan's floss 45239; perle #12 B5200; Gutermann 280 hand quilting thread (6)

Previous count 43; Grand total = 61

Block 6

The words are an Irish proverb I like.  It seemed appropriate because with back problems (I still have pain from herniated disc /sciatica. I got better, went into the garden to catch up on separating daylilies and hostas and fell off the end of my rolling stool...ouch! ) I tried to plough a lot of fields with my mind and it just plain didn't work! 

It's really difficult to embroider words so small but I got the job done.  That's my cursive these days...rather shaky with stiff hands.   Cursive makes me wonder...Does anyone know how to read cursive and words that aren't abbreviated these days? 

I tried a couple of new stitches  on a seam I haven't done before - woven zig zag chain and raised woven cross stitch.  They were pretty easy to do once I got the hang of it.  I actually did the raised woven cross stitches twice. The first time I used gold thread and then realized I was only going to use neutrals so that got ripped out. I guess I got some good practice on that stitch. 

I made those "flowers" from lacy hem tape I gathered and then sewed a four holed button in the middle.  I then did some drizzle stitches in the holes of the buttons for a flower center. 

Fabrics: 0 (previously counted in above)
Laces/trims: 3
Embroidered motifs: 1
Stitches/stitch combos: raised woven x stitch; woven zig zag chain; drizzle stitch; couching (on trim) (4)
Beads/charms/buttons:  1
Threads: DMC Embroidery floss 535; perle #5 842 and brown?? (3)

Previous count 61; Grand total = 73

The Ad Hoc Improv Challenge this quarter has been to add words to a quilt.  This quilt will have quite a few proverbs embroidered on it plus there may be some stamped words down the line too.  Who knows? 2020 is a long way off...isn't it? 


Kaja said...

The more I see of this project the more I like it, though I'd be rubbish at keeping count. I particularly love the contrast between the low volume colours and the richness you get with all the embellishment. Thanks for linking up with AHIQ; it's so interesting to see all the different ways people are incorporating words into their work.

Linda said...

Love the proverb. Very true. Two more inventive blocks. Hope you're feeling OK after your fall - I had wondered why you hadn't blogged for a few days.

Julierose said...

I love those birds with that quote--so perfect...your embellishing is beautiful hugs, Julierose

Janie said...

Your work is beautiful, the stitching and fun design.
Thanks for sharing.
Take care of yourself.

Robin said...

What sweet blocks. This project is quite an undertaking. It will be beautiful. I love thought provoking quotes like this one.

Shelina said...

These are so beautiful. Love the quotation. I'm sorry about your mishap and that you aren't feeling well. I have been thinking about the color scheme I want to do for mine - and I think a low volume is the one that strikes me the most - you can add a lot to low volume and have it not look too busy. Trying to finish up current projects now.

Ann said...

Sorry to read about your fall and hope you're better soon. I love the embroidered proverb, especially in your own handwriting. The different embellishments add so much interest to this quilt. It makes us pause and really look. Thanks for sharing it on AHIQ. So much fun to see such unique ways to add writing to quilts.

Wendy said...

These just get better and better. I really like how your project is coming along.

audrey said...

These are amazing! They'll be worth however many months or years it takes! Love all the details.:)