I am participating in the 2025 Stay At Home Round Robin (SAHRR).
I am going to use the weekly prompts to make 5 kiddo sized row quilts.
To this quilt I added 4 inch squares pulled out of my 30s reproduction scraps. I sliced the squares into 2.5 and 1.5 pieces and inserted a 1 inch x 4 inch strip between the two pieces. I know that a 1 inch strip inserted into any size block will keep the block at the original size. In this case that is a 4 inch square.
I added a row to the top...
...and to the bottom and now this quilt measures 40 x 57 inches so I think I'm finished with this quillt since I was aiming for close to 40 x 60 inches.
I kind of cheated on this one. Instead of "slice and insert" I added a "slice and shuffle" block - Wonky Windmills.
Each six inch (finished) Wonky Windmills is made with 4 rectangles 3.5 x 4 inches - 2 each of 2 different fabrics. Then stack two rectangles on top of each other, slice from the 4 inch side to the other 4 inch side then move the top piece on the right side of the pile to the bottom. Sew the two sides together to yield two units of the 4 needed for the Wonky Windmill.
I used a chunk of road sign fabric to make the Windmills.
The Elephants got a row of six inch finished Wonky Crosses on top.
I used the same scraps I used in the Friendship Stars in the bottom row. I cut 6.5 inch squares and made horizontal and vertical slices and inserted 1 inch strips.
The Construction Zone quilt got some "Do Not Enter" signs added.
At first I made 5 blocks all in yellow and red - 8.5 inch squares sliced on the diagonals with 1 inch red strips inserted. But all of that yellow kind of overwhelmed the quilt.
Then, in with the bits and pieces I collected to add to this quilt, I found two 9 inch squares that had the words "construction and work" plus some vehicles on it. I cut the two squares down to 8.5 inch squares and did a slice and insert on them.
You may or may not remember that
last week I added some 10.5 inch Friendship Stars to this quilt and then I declared it finished at 56 inches. Well...now I'm declaring it unfinished. I took off the Friendship Stars. I didn't like the addition of those Stars to the top and bottom of the quilt. They just seemed too big and dark to match the rest of the quilt. I will use those Friendship Stars in another quilt.
So I kind of took this week's prompt and added a top and bottom border. Someone had given me four 6 inch wide strips of that red polka dot fabric that I used on each side of that center border. I took one of those strips and cut it into two 3 inch strips. Then I cut (sliced) each 3 inch strip into two 1.5 inch strips and inserted a 1.5 inch strip in between. I added those strips to the top and bottom of the quilt.
Then I made five 8 inch finished Sawtooth Stars to replace the Frienship Stars I ripped off the quilt.
I made the Stars out of Scottie Dog and green plaid fabrics to sort of echo that center border. Right now I'm not going to add my Star row. I can add 8 inches to the top and bottom of the quilt and reach my desired size. I'm going to wait and see what prompts 5 and 6 are and see if I can make other 8 inch blocks out of Scottie Dogs and plaid to mix in with the Stars for my top and bottom rows.
I'm ready for round 5 on Monday!
And sew on...
And this post is for the "not finished" category of
REMEMBER, TREASURE, GROW, READ (my words of the year)
Finished a book! - The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner. While mudlarking a woman finds a small bottle with a bear inscribed on it. She researches the bottle and learns it came from a very old 1790s apothecary shop that dispensed poisons to women who wanted to do away with the men who wronged them.