Thursday, September 24, 2020

Enough Is Enough!

Well, I accomplished that goal (enough is enough) but didn't get any bonus points or a smiley face for getting them made into a top.  Maybe that will happen next month. 

I have also completed the crochet trim around 130 double sided squares. Woohoo...enough is enough!  These were made from 4.5 inch rose themed scraps. I used up numerous spools of pink #10 crochet cotton I have had in my stash for years. Most were picked up at the thrift store.  I purchased three more spools of a light pink to use to slip stitch these blocks together and to crochet a border all around. 

I recently made sixteen more 16 patch blocks from 2 inch scraps. That was all I needed to reach my goal of 130 blocks. (Once again, enough is enough!) I've been making these for a couple of years from actual scraps as a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project. Since I am trying to empty all my scrap bins and have been concentrating lately on the 2 inch scrap bin I figured I would finish up blocks for this project. 

Now one of these days I will randomly sew them together into a 10 x 13 layout for a quilt that measures 60 x 78. 

Indian Hatchet blocks
I've been using up 5 inch 30s reproduction scraps left over from making a not yet quilted Churn Dash quilt.  I made the corners with 2.5 inch scraps. 

Now I have my target goal of 252 blocks to be set 14 x 18.  (Guess what! Enough is enough!) I have not trimmed those flippy corners yet but when I do they will not go to waste but be used in another quilt. 

I saw Maggie (Making a Lather) making little 6 inch finished baskets from waste triangles that she saw Suzie making so I thought I would give them a try as a possibility for those trimmed flippy corners. 
They were okay but it seems most of my waste triangles come from trimming up 2.5 inch parts so it appeared that the base of the basket was a little too small. 

So I tried a couple more baskets using a bigger scrap for the base and 2.5 x 4.5 inch pieces for part of the block instead of sewing together two 2.5 inch pieces.  I liked these baskets a little better but it seemed like there was a lot of white space. 

Next I tried making the baskets with 2 inch background pieces instead of 2.5 inch pieces. I liked those a lot better so I made a couple of little nine patches to see how they would look as an alternate block. Well, that seemed like too much white again so...

 ...I made a couple of Hollow Nine Patch blocks to see how they look as an alternate block. I think I've started another quilt. 


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Holeee Buckets! that is a lot!! and all those pretty fabrics - playing so nicely with each other!!

Quiltdivajulie said...

The Hatchet blocks are growing on me (yours and Ann's especially). And those "new quilt" blocks are such fun - fiddly, but fun. Congrats on all the "enough is enough" stage achievements!!!

Joyce Carter said...

WOW! That is a whole lot of scrappy goodness---just my type of blocks. Have fun playing with them.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Glad you finished. Here's a bonus Point! Grin.

Karen's Korner said...

You are certainly ona roll. Great scrap busting projects.

Linda said...

I really enjoy seeing how you go through the process of deciding on blocks for a new quilt. You have achieved so many targets this month. Great work.

MissPat said...

Well after all those enough is enoughs, I thought, whatever will you do now? But you were way ahead of me and already have a plan or two. You'll be having a lot of finishes soon and maybe an empty 2" bin, though not for long I bet.

Shelina said...

Those teeny baskets are so cute. A great way to use those flip corners.

Cathy said...

Well, you’re certainly moving things along at a good clip! I like the hollow 9’s with the little baskets. Like you, I’ve learned I’m not happy with too much with. Give me COLOR any day!

Marly said...

I think your "baskets" look like elegant cocktail glasses, with very mysterious contents! Interesting. But what is really interesting is your ingenious use of scraps, and yet your bins are not yet empty?

maggie fellow said...

oh the basket blocks with alternate squares is great. I like how your mind works

Pamela Arbour said...

Wow! You got a lot done!

QuiltGranma said...

Wow, you have been having LOTS of fun with fabrics! You trying to encourage me out of the doldrums and get busy quilting again? It just may work!

Jenny said...

My goodness, havent you been busy! Looking forward to seeing your crochet Rose's put together.

gayle said...

That's a whole lot of enough! I'm looking forward to that flurry of finishes that is coming up soon!
And look - off you go again on another beauty! I loved watching your experiments with sizing and setting!

Frog Quilter said...

You are very talented in using scraps. Reminds me of me. One quilt breeds another and so on. Thanks for keeping us entertained and inspired!

Edith said...

Wow, so many projects! I love the double sided squares with the crochet, will look forward to seeing them stitched together.

Nann said...

More little baskets! Very cute.

Patty said...

Great blocks. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

Marsha Cooper said...

What a lovely idea with the flower fabric you crocheted around. I have piles of flowered fabric in my stash. Would you mind sharing a pattern for the crocheting? I could make these up for part of my Christmas gifts for the women on my list.