It's a flimsy!
Switch Plates
60 x 82
I've been trying for a couple of days to get a photo of this top but it has either been raining or very windy. This was about the best I could get before the top turned into a kite and flew away.
So I took some close up photos indoors.
I started making blocks as a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project back in 2022 I think. I made blocks from 1.5 or 3.5 inch scraps long enough for four 1.5 x 3.5 inch strips (the plate) and I used 1.5 x 3.5 neutral scraps for the center switch.
Last year (2024) I had enough blocks for a top - 320. I put the blocks in a bag and put the bag in the SAR (Some Assembly Required) bin.
I dug out the bag this month because emptying bags as well as moving UFOs with 1.5 inch scraps forward have been my focus for this month as well as using yellow scraps.
When I started to assemble the top I decided to stagger blocks in columns so made a few more Switch Plates so I could cut some in half to use at the top or bottom of every column.
Sometimes I think they look more like windows than switch plates.
And sew on...
WITB (What's in the Box, Bin, Bag) is the theme in my sewing space for the month of March. I've been trying to see how many bags, bins and boxes I can empty to move a few UFOs forward.
I've also been working with yellow scraps this month because that is the March Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color.
And I don't always follow the challenges issued by the Scrapbuster group but this month the challenge is 1.5 inch scraps. I have been trying to empty a couple of boxes of those this month.
And now that the Switch Plates are in a top I'm left holding the (empty) bag!
I'm keeping score of what bags and boxes emptied this month:
1- Coins
2 - Legos
3 - 1.5 inch width scraps
1 - Kaleidoscope
2 - solid 1.5 inch strips for 51 Waffles
3 - 1.5 inch strips for 9 Legos
4 - Windmill blocks
5 - Happy Block parts
6 - Posies
7 - 1.5 inch strips for 78 Rail Fence blocks
8 - Four Patch parts
9 - 1.5 inch strips for 92 strip sets for Boo Boo Patches
10 - 1.5 inch width strips cut into rectangles and squares
11 - Tumblers
12 - Four Patch parts
13 - Sawtooth Stars
14 - Sawtooth Stars
15 - Switch Plates
REMEMBER, TREASURE, GROW, READ (my words of the year)
I received a box of treasure (scraps) from Donna yesterday. Oh joy! They are already sorted and ready to be made into something(s).