Yesterday a lady who lives in Turkey sent out a message to the CQI (Crazy Quilting International) Yahoo Group requesting quilts for the kids who are victims of the Istanbul earthquake. They are living in tents in cold winter conditions. I dug out my bin of kid scraps - leftovers from I Spy quilts, ends from quilt swaps and baby quilts - and started cutting and sewing together scraps for a new beginning as quilts for kids.
I have 3 tops made and tomorrow after work I hope to get my batting scraps sewn together as well as fabrics (possibly flannel) for backings. Hopefully I will have them quilted, bound and ready to mail this weekend. Three quilts seem so meager in the grand scheme of things but I hope they get good use. They are nothing fancy but will be warm. And I hope the families in Istanbul can also rise up from the rubble and start new beginnings soon.
And once again I thought I was caught up on Christmas presents and could work on something for myself yesterday. Soon, I hope, I will be able to finish what I have started...
But then's not all about me.