Saturday, February 22, 2025

Singing The Blues - Verse IV

Sawtooth Stars with Orphan Block Centers
(Orphan Curtis)
10 inch blocks
I now have 12 of 24 blocks

Last year I was cleaning out a box of  inch width scraps and made 10 quilt tops. This was one of the tops that didn't get finished. I did set aside in a ziplock bag enough 5.5 inch unfinished orphan blocks and 3 inch width scraps enough for star points.  This month I pulled out the orphans that were matched up with blue scraps for the star points. I'm using the same background on all blocks in the quilt. 

Four Patch
5 inch
Made with 3 inch squares. 
I have 45 blocks and 96 is the goal. 

Sixteen Patch
10 inch
Strip pieced with 3 inch width novelty scraps.
I'm using only reds, blues and yellows. 
I have 10 out of a goal of 24 blocks. 

Someone gave me ten 25 Patch blocks made of 2.5 inch squares.  I decided to make 14 more blocks for a kiddo sized top in a 4 x 6 layout. At first I thought I would make enough for a larger quiltt of 48 blocks but I've used up most of my 2.5 inch squares.  I did go through my squares to see if I had enough for a blue block. After that I went through the squares to look for 25 of the same color and made those blocks. 

So now I have 16 blocks. 
And now I'm thinking I might alternate the blocks with 10 inch Sawtooth Stars and go for the goal of 48 blocks - 24 Stars and 24 Patches. 

From a Youtube video. I rarely watch them because my computer takes forever to load them and then they are sometimes broken up; however, someone sent me the link so thought I would check it out. 

These units finish at 2.5 x 8.5 and consist of two 3 x 6 inch rectangles. 

The units get staggered a little so there are no seams to match.   I will be adding a 3.5 inch unfinished scrappy border. 

I made a few last year to use up some 3 inch width scraps. 

I made these units this month with blue and pink 3 inch rectangles I cut last year. 
I haven't trimmed off the flippy corners yet so they wouldn't stick to my little batting covered cutting mat so I could take a pic. I'm going to use those waste triangles as some points on Wonky Stars. 
I now have 48 of 84 units. 

I still have blue scraps and have pieces for more blocks cut from mostly 3.5 inch width blue scraps so I think I will be Singing Verse V of the Blues next week

And sew on..


Julierose said...

You come up with so many different and creative ways to use your orphans and scraps...I really like the orphan centers stars...
Lovely WIPS Cathy...hugs, Julierose

Deb A said...

Oh, those last units have so many possibilities! How fun. Enjoy your week.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love the sawtooth stars with their orphan block centers, Cathy! The bricks blocks are neat, too. You have lots of great ideas for scrappy blocks and quilts!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Snazzy sawtooth stars, Cathy! Love the block with cows in it too. You work with the prettiest fabrics. Enjoy your day. Happy quilting.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

What a great idea to use orphan blocks as the center of your sawtooth stars. I'm curious to see how those stars the 25 patch blocks work together.

Astrid said...

Look at all those pretty blocks! Clever idea using orphan blocks as centers. Bits of Bricks is a fabulous scrappy pattern, I may add it to my ever so long bucket list.

Pamela Arbour said...

So many good ideas! Love them all.

Gayle Bong said...

I'm always amazed at the variety of fabrics and volume of them too. Do you show the inventory?