Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Wonky Log Cabin Finish

Wonky Log Cabin in a
Fields and Furrows setting.
It's a finish!
60 x 72

It started with some orange 4.5 inch squares...

...and some bright and neutral strings. 

I even added in a little flour and sugar! 

I quilted it with swirls on my DSM in a natural colored thread.  I wanted to add an orange binding but I didn't have enough of any orange fabric to use so I used a gold fabric. 

The pieced backing.

When I was piecing I meant for those two different fabrics to be in one strip at the side instead of together side by side. I must have gone into "mindless mode" (aka Cathy's World) when piecing. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

July 17 - Heirloom Roses had a big sale so I treated myself to three new floribundas. One can never have too many roses to stop and smell. They arrived yesterday. I planted them in the cutting garden since they are roses suitable for cutting and fragrant too.  They are Celestial Nights (magenta), Plum Perfect (plum, of course) and About Face (multicolor orange). I immediately sprayed them with Bobbex to keep critters away. 

July 18 - Today is my daughter's 48th birthday. Again, how can that be? I thought I was 48! 😀 I remember the day she was was early morning and I woke hubby to tell him I needed to get to the hospital right away. Our son was 2 1/2 so we woke him too. Hubby dropped me off at the hospital and said he would be back after he dropped our son off with my step mom.  When he got back to the hospital I had given birth to a baby girl - 8lb. 4oz. and 20 inches long. The sky was beautiful at sunrise that day. We named her Amber Dawn.  


Julierose said...

Just loving your "Fields and Furrows" quilt finish--and that backing looks like it's been patched ;)))))--so perfect for a really scrappy look, Cathy...Lovely work on this...hugs, Julierose

Nann said...

Another lovely finish -- I like the flour/sugar surprise. Happy birthday to Amber!

RyLynn said...

Another gorgeous finish!!!!!

Jenny said...

Three new rose bushes, such a lovely treat for you. I understand what you are saying about children getting older, my son turns 60 next month!

Patricia said...

another fabulous finish. you are doing a grand job. 44 already in 2024? wow! you are amazing. isn't it amazing that our daughters are the same age as us or even older? how does that happen? wishing you a fabulous year. patti in florida ( ) said...

That's a lovely quilt. I really enjoyed hearing your birthing story. Happy Birthing Day and what a perfect name for your beautiful daughter.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your wonky log cabins made a beautiful quilt! I love the orange centers and all the fun neutrals you used. Great finish, Cathy!

mangozz said...

Another beautiful log cabin! I wonder how many times around the earth your quilts would go if they were laid end to end. I loved the story about Amber Dawn!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

Great use of neutrals and brights. The fact that your back two fabrics were pieced along the vertical vs. horizontal seam simply mirrors the wonkiness of the log cabin block.

Chantal said...

Another charming quilt finished. Congrats! You are pushing them under the needle at an incredible speed! My second son was also born on July 18, as is one of my closest friends. My son turned 28 yo. He is studying to become a robotic engineer. He tells me about his day at school and all I hear is Chinese. We live centuries apart now. Lol. Enjoy! and I hope your new rose bushes produce many gorgeous flowers for you. ;^) said...

Lovely finish! I enjoyed reading about your daughter. I hope she had a terrific birthday!