Sunday, July 7, 2024

A String Quilt Finish

It's a finish!
String Quilt
60 x 80

It is Heartstring inspired; however, I use paper foundations and make my blocks 10.5 inches. 

I quilted it on my DSM with swirls in lime green thread. 

I used a striped fabric for the backing and binding. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

July 6 - I paid nothing for an $80.00 plus purchase at Menards. Well, actually I paid with rebate vouchers. Between about March and November every year Mendards gives an 11% rebate on everything. I just have to remember to always send in my receipt to get the rebate. I had a handful of them going back to 2023. I bought three 40 lb. bags of salt pellets for the water softener, a pair of gardening gloves, some mouse traps and a new pedestal fan for my sewing room. And I have another receipt to send in for a rebate.  I had to get a new fan for my sewing room. I don't have a/c and have a south facing window in that room (curtains closed this time of year) so sometimes it gets pretty darned warm. The plastic on the pedestal where it holds the fan cracked. Well, it's a very old fan and such things happen to old things. Well, anyway, so did you know that fans come with remote controls now? Seriously???

July 7 - I live in the country. A guy down the road put on an absolutely spectacular fireworks display. I'm not really all that enthusiastic about fireworks but I have to say that was an absolute spectacular awesome beautiful 20 minute display of fireworks. I'm glad I stayed up until dark to watch it. It was even worth a few mosquito bites. 



Helenchaffin said...

The striped backing is a great compliment to the quilt!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love the string quilt

Julie in GA said...

Your string quilt is great, and the backing fabric is perfect for it!

Julierose said...

Love those bright pinks in this one--nice work hugs, Julierose

MissPat said...

Cathy, almost everything comes with a remote control these days. Like getting up off the couch would be too much exercise for some people. You're lucky you had pretty fireworks to see. All we've had it the lot big bang ones that make it sound like there's a war going on (well, yes, I know there are several, but not in my backyard). And not just on the 4th, but all week long.
I'm working on some string blocks right now, too. Using a black with bright spots in the center so it will have borders like yours.

Chantal said...

Yep, nowadays, you can control all the lights in the house with your smart phone. My DH installs those gadgets all the time but I don't want it in my house. Thank you.
Love this quilt and using lime green thread makes the quilting amazing! I need to get some lime green thread. So happy to hear you got to see some fireworks to celebrate Independence Day.
Enjoy! ;^)

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Congrats on the amazing purchase and seeing a great fireworks' show!
That string quilt is a beat! I really like the black centers - make the colors shine

viridian said...

Lovely bright fabrics against black really pop!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Beautiful string quilt! And we watched the fireworks our neighbors shot off from indoors (the back yard neighbors) or the front porch (neighbors up the hill). No need to deal with the huge public displays, crowds, and nightmare traffic jams.

Nann said...

Good to know that those rebate checks don't expire (at least not for a long time)! A nice finish. I'm so used to 9.5" HS blocks that it's hard for me to make other sizes. How generous of your neighbor to put on a show for you.

Sherrill said...

Ooo, so pretty! Love the black center strips with the gorgeous colors--makes it all POP! Wish our grocery stores would give some rebates like that. Good for you!!

Ilona said...

Wonderful string quilt. love theese bright colors.

Ann said...

Another gorgeous string quilt. Isn’t it great to move the string, scrap, and leftover pieces along!

Alison said...

The string quilt is fabulous and the binding suits it perfectly.

I put batting scraps over our windows to keep out the heat from the sun using painter's tape, as we don't have a/c either. It works fairly well and still lets some light in.

Cindy said...

oh my! another beauty! why do we love string quilts so much????? I enjoy your posts so much! Thank you for sharing!

mangozz said...

Beautiful string quilt finish and the backing is perfect for it too! I have AC but can't afford to use it much. Nobody offers rebates anymore around here - I wish they did.