Sunday, June 30, 2024

String Progress

Spider Web Blocks

I previously posted on June 18 that I had sorted my strings into several different projects and started those projects.  Since then I started another string project (child sized Heartstring with yellow centers) and got that to flimsy stage.  This time of year I spend more time out in the gardens than I do in the sewing room but I did manage to find bits of time here and there to work on my string projects.  I'm hoping to get all three projects to flimsy stage by the end of July and have most of my strings used up. 

So since my last string post I've made Spider Web parts and turned those into four blocks. 

I've made many Feather Bed parts with the longest of strings - most from quilt back trimmings. 

And I've made several Eight Point Star parts from the very short strings left over from other string projects.

And sew on...


8 comments: said...

Amazing! All those string projects. . .I love string quilts. . .you are such an inspiration!

Julierose said...

I love making spiderweb quilts--I think I've made 4 through the years....
given them all as gifts! I need to make one for myself I think...:)))
Your SW blocks are coming together so well--I just really like the surprises when you butt them all together--you never know how they will finish up looking really...what fun!! hugs, Julierose

Jenny said...

Stringing along sewing is rather fun, I find.

Linda Swanekamp said...

I have never made one of these quilts, but I like them very much. I like to garden this time of the year also, and even managed to plant some lettuce, tomatoes. and peppers in raised containers I got at Farm Supply. The flowers are doing very well although the Japanese beetles showed up a week ago.

Pamela Arbour said...

Your strings are so exciting. I always love the accent fabric you use. If it isn't too much trouble, would you show a couple of feathers in the next stage. I did buy the pattern and read through it but haven't actually tried making them yet. I would like to see how you put the spine and background on. I can already tell that your feathers are going to be beautiful.

Vicki in MN said...

I can only dream of using up all my strings! Good for you to be close to the end. Your projects look great.

Linda said...

You have great ideas for processing those strings.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Strings are addictive, aren't they! So fun (and so messy) to work with.