Monday, January 8, 2024

A Few Peace Patch Stars

Since "Browns and Blues" is the theme in my sewing space this month I decided to continue working on the quilt I call Peace Patch since it contains brown. The pattern is called Blueberry Farm and is from the book Scrappy Firework Quilts by Edyta Sitar. 

Six more stars to go. That should not take long since I have all of the star points with diamonds finished. I decided to make all 12 of the stars before I add the pink background pieces.  Then I will have to decide on sashing fabrics. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE (word of the year)

Jan. 7 - I finally found the perfect onion ring recipe! 

Backstory - We grow a lot of onions (from plants) every year, store them, and eat about an onion a day. Since hubby will no longer be eating food because he cannot swallow and has a G-tube I am the only one in the household now eating onions. I have a lot of onions stored but didn't get them all cured properly due to hubby's hospital visits. Now some are starting to sprout and rot.  I have given some away; however, most folks I know don't really eat many onions.  So, anyway, I have been eating a lot of onions lately. I do love onion rings and have been trying out a lot of different recipes looking for what I consider the perfect onion ring. I finally found the perfect and very simple recipe in one of my old cook books - The Settlement Cookbook first published in 1901. Now I think I could eat onion rings for breakfast, lunch and dinner! 


Laura said...

The Hubster and I love onion rings! Would you mind sharing your recipe? I bet I am not the only one who would love to try it! :)

gayle said...

I suspect I've probably got this cookbook somewhere in at least one edition (my cookbook collection is vast) (used bookstores and Friends of the Library booksales are my biggest weakness...), but I found a Kindle version for extremely cheap and am well pleased! (Any cookbook with a whole chapter on Fried Cakes has me from the get-go!) Haven't found the onion rings recipe yet, but I'll happily keep looking.
And I love your gorgeous stars, but Fried! Cakes!

Nann said...

Funny thing -- this weekend I finished reading The Core of the Onion by Mark Kurlansky. Interesting history, culture, and a few recipes.

Elle said...

I chop onions and freeze in quart bags. Food for thought ;-)

Happy Monday!

Jenny said...

We use a lot of onions here too. The very best oinion rings we tried was some years ago on a trip to Hawaii, so delicious. I'm another one asking, could you please share your recipe?