Thursday, July 11, 2024

Eight Point String Star Progress

I've finished 6 more Stars made of short skinny strings. 
I'm aiming for 30 or 35 blocks and now have 7. 
All will have solid blue backgrounds. Well, at least that's the thought for now. 

This month is all about strings!

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

July 10 - I had an unexpected visit from one of my sisters who lives 20 minutes away. Her husband passed away over a year ago and her best friend since high school has alzheimer's and now resides in an assisted living center so I think my sister is not only grieving the loss of both but very lonesome. She's the opposite of introverted me and loves to be out and about socializing.   We had a good long 4 hour visit - she did most of the talking and I did the listening. I don't see or hear from her very often anymore since hubby has been sick so it was really good to catch up on what is going on in her life and to talk about old times. 



Jenny said...

Lovely to catch up with your sister again.

Chantal said...

Love the blue background on your colourful blocks. So nice to have your sister visiting. I have sisters but they aren't MY sisters in the sense that we don't have that special bond sisters usually have because I grew up in a foster home away from them. They grew all together so they talk about all kinds of things, sharing memories and I just listen. No memories to share. So you can celebrate the fact that you have a bond with your family members. As a stranger looking in, I can see how special and amazing that bond is. Enjoy it! ;^)

Julierose said...

Love that deep blue background to your string pieced stars, Cathy;)))) so pretty...nice work!
Happy you got to visit with your sister...
Hugs, Julierose

Mystic Quilter said...

Cathy, I have missed a few days of reading posts so will cover them here if that's OK. First of all I scrolled down to your amazing "garden walk", such a treat to see all your flowers and vegetable plants, I just couldn't believe my eyes, what a treat!! On the quilting side of things,I felt quilt cheered to see your quilts full of colour, really lifted my spirits - especially your string quilts which made me feel like heading for my string bin - perhaps I shall do soon.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Your string stars are fabulous and that blue background really shows them off! And I'm glad you had the visit with your sister. Mine lives 18 hours away so we chatter by text/email and occasionally by phone - not the same as in the same room.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Those blocks are incredible!! and that blue - wow - great choice!!
So glad your sister came by - thats so awesome and glad you enjoyed yourself!

RyLynn said...

Cathy, another set of awesome, cheerful and inspiring quilts!! Glad I finally found your blog so i dont miss any of your scraptastic designs. RyLynn (from Sunshine Online)

Linda Swanekamp said...

Oh those stars are oh so lovely. The blue really makes them sparkle. It is good to re-establish ties. I visited my sister this spring and we were able to connect in a better way. I actually have some tomatoes, lettuce and peppers growing in containers due to your inspiration and encouragement. said...

Your string stars are lovely. I'm glad your unexpected visit went so well.

gayle said...

I love all your string projects, but these gorgeous stars are my favorite! It might be those glorious blue backgrounds!