Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sawtooth Stars

Sawtooth Stars
10 inch

Blue has been the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color for the month of June. I noticed quite a few blue pieces of novelty fabrics. I decided to make some Sawtooth Stars using red, yellow and blue scraps - 5.5 inch centers and 3 inch width scraps for the star points and background. Sorting through scraps I've received from others I've accumulated a small box of 3 inch width strips, bits and pieces so I dug through those scraps to see if I could use any for backgrounds. 

I've gathered enough bits and pieces of red and yellow novelties to make more stars. My goal is 24 Stars for a 4 x 6 layout for a child sized donation quilt. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

June 26 - Ah, the smell of sheets after they have been line dried! 

June 27 - I don't really like to see rabbits - they like to munch a lot of my garden veg and flowers. But I was looking out my kitchen window the other day and was fascinated by a couple of rabbits jumping, running and leaping straight up into the air. That action is called a rabbit binky - a sign of joy and playfulness. Maybe they were doing a little dance after finishing a big meal from my garden. 

June 28 - Prebiotics and probiotics.  I eat prebiotics of some kind every day and even grow some of them -- garlic, onions, bananas, oatmeal, apples, avocados. As far as probiotics I eat yogurt every morning. I used to make my own when the kids were younger. I eat sauerkraut at least once a month. I make my own from cabbage I've grown. I used to make pickles the old fashioned way--- fermented in a crock but went to making refrig pickles in my old age and pickles made with vinegar aren't probiotics. Well, anyway, I have to think that prebiotics and probiotics are part of why I'm pretty healthy in my old age.   



LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Red, yellow, and blue are a pretty combination! Your stars will make a fun quilt. I've seen the rabbits in our neighborhood doing that, too, but I didn't know there was a name for it!

Gretchen Weaver said...

I don't have a clotheslines at the new house and I really miss it. I loved the line dried sheets and towels! Happy stitching!

Linda said...

Great Sawtooth stars, lovely crisp colours. What a tasty diet you eat

scraphappy said...

The yellow is so happy with the blue and red. The stars will make a great kids quilt.

Pamela Arbour said...

I've been wondering lately if sheets would still smell like they used to when hung on the line. It just can't be beat! Since they are trying to get us to be energy efficient, I am surprised that they haven't started putting clotheslines up again in the new subdivisions!

Your stars are going to look great in the quilt.

Oh, the thought of sauerkraut! The caterers at my son's wedding in Germany served homemade sauerkraut. That was so tasty that it makes me want to go back just to get some more. I never tried to make it and canned just doesn't have the same taste.

Oh the rabbits! That sounds so darling.

Linda Swanekamp said...

I make kefir and it is easy. I make a smoothie almost every day with the kefir, spinach and either strawberries or blueberries (mostly frozen). I have an extra packet of kefir starter if you want it. You just use whole milk and make as much as you want each day. I make it in a mason jar. It is heavy in the probiotics.

Astrid said...

Pretty sawtooth stars and great color combination.

Mystic Quilter said...

I like the size of your stars Cathy and the colour combination.

Susie H said...

Sweet stars! Love their colors -- so vibrant! Apparently like you with your probiotics and prebiotics! I don't think working in the garden has hurt you any either. Loved the story of the bunnies jumping about.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Oh! Those are going to make a vibrant and fun kid quilt, Cathy. Happy hunting for any additional scrap needed!