Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wednesday Wandering

I usually see blue dragonflies around here. But I saw this one which I think I have identified as a Twelve Spotted Skimmer.  Evidently this type of dragonfly is a "percher" and was perched on the end of an old Irish stem looking for prey for a long time. 

Last week I showed my poor Christmas Lima bean poles uprooted and on the ground as a result of the derecho. I'm happy to say I have put new poles around them and they seem to be doing fine now although there does look like there are a few vines intertwined that may be dying. I'm just going to leave them be for the time being.

I found a monarch enjoying a daylily. 

Most of my husband's tomato plants survived although a lot of green tomatoes were thrown about and some branches had to be cut off.  He has about 25 plants and all are heirloom varieties. He saves the seeds of the varieties he likes and tries a couple new varieties every year too. 

He made the tomato jam he loves this week. The recipe was his dad's. 

The Rose of Sharon is blooming. They are kind of invasive now. I let some grow as a hedge but last year had to dig out a lot that sprouted up in my flower bed.  Next time I'm going to dig them up and plant them elsewhere and give to others although I don't know many gardeners. 

I have a pink Rose of Sharon too. 

The derecho winds blew a lot of the apples off of the tree. 

The clean up from the wind damage continues. 

But we still have three big limbs dangling that need professional attention. 

I wonder where butterflies hide during a storm. 

Remember the Mini Love watermelon I was growing? It has now been eaten and it was delicious! Can't wait for another one to ripen. 



Maria said...

what part of iowa are you in? i know an avid gardener in IC that might be interested!

Shelina said...

I am so sorry you had storm damage. Looks like it is a good time for fried green tomatoes at your place! Your garden still looks great, and the insects look like they are happy to make a home there.

The Joyful Quilter said...

That watermelon looks delicious!! How much longer do you expect the storm clean-up to take, Cathy? Hoping you'll be back to your sewing machine soon!

Laura said...

What a beautiful dragonfly! I am so glad you were able to 'capture' it, and share...I have never seen one like it!

The deer evidently don't eat the Rose of Sharon???? Every time that I have tried to grow it, the deer have destroyed it! I am bummed!

Your Hubby's tomato jam looks scrumptious! :)

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I have only seen green dragonflies and not that many of them. I'm glad your garden survived the worst and is coming back.

Mystic Quilter said...

Such a gorgeous dragonfly, we hardly see them here I'm afraid, plenty of monarch butterflies though. Your storm damage looks terrible but thank goodness you were safe and your garden still blooming!

QuiltGranma said...

So glad that clean up is happening. I know that having branches pruned can be expensive. I hope you have insurance for that.

Lindah said...

Your photos are simply stunning! Oh, my, I could almost taste that ice cold melon, so juicy and sweet. :-)
I have always like the Rose of Sharon, but the pink one is outstanding. I don't believe I have ever seen one. I have forgotten, are they deciduous? Many years ago, there was a very old bush with the white flowers in the fence corner of a house we purchased. Many years ago! That was my one and only experience with the R of S. Since then, I have admired them from afar. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos.

mangozz said...

Beautiful photos! I've never seen a dragonfly like that before. You were fortunate to be able to salvage so much of your garden. That watermelon looks delicious.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Beautiful photos of the dragonfly and monarch! So glad your garden is mostly surviving. The tomato jam looks and sounds delicious!

TakeMeThereTotes said...

Whoa! When my husband saw that water melon, he said ask her if she would send me some seeds! Would also love some of those heirloom tomato seeds. I have the white Rose of Sharon but I have always called it Althea plant. I have a lavender one too. I dig up the plants and plant them around the yard as they take little care but I have seen my rooster eating the flowers. Ha!

I am glad you have been able to rehabilitate your garden after that terrible storm. We are in Texas so we have hurricanes but never heard of
Derecho winds. Take care.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I have never seen a dragonfly like that. Pretty Cool. I DID find some kind of beetle on the deck yesterday. When I moved it (thought it was dead) it hissed at me!! I had a lot of Rose of Sharon back in Indiana. I LOVE them.
xx, Carol