Saturday, March 8, 2025

It's A Finish!

It's a finish!
18 Patch
42 x 60

I started making these blocks as a Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) project back in 2021. The six inch blocks are made of 18 - 1.5 x 2.5 inch rectangles. They were not strip pieced. 
I finished the top in 2023.

I quilted it with vertical and horizontal lines. I added a scrappy binding. 

The back - polka dots on pink. 

And sew on...


REMEMBER, TREASURE, GROW, READ (my words of the year)

Treasure - I get a free Iowa Lottery ticket every month. This month I won $1. I could have bought another ticket for a progressive pot for $1 but I decided not to. I was happy enough to have won $1. 

Read - Finished a book! Water From My Heart by Charles Martin. Wealthy loner seeks redemption after disastrous choices, encountering a woman and child whose lives he impacted in Central America. Popular highlight: "Indifference is the curse of this age. We need to hear that. Indifference is evil, and it could not be further from the heart of God." Based on some real events. I've read a lot of Martin's books and have loved them all. 


scraphappy said...

What a beautiful and happy quilt top! It looks great hanging out amongst all the snow and winter weather.

Elle said...

Love your scrappy 18p 'brick'. You make Roses from the dregs :-)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

neat quilt!

Quiltdivajulie said...

So many little pieces but such a HUGELY wonderful quilt!!!

JCH said...

It's just full of color! Lol about the lottery ticket. Like me. I won $2 one time. I'm not lucky so I took it and bought a tea and a donut! Enjoyed that more😀

Nann said...

Congratulations, I think, on your $1 win -- and more congratulations for letting that be the extent of your gambling. The sure bet that paid off is that glorious quilt!

Chantal said...

Oh! Great idea for using up those small rectangles. I need to keep this picture for future reference. Thanks for the inspiration, as always. Sometimes, the fun of winning is better than the prize. Enjoy! ;^)

Jenny said...

I love all those colours set against your winter snow.

Pamela Arbour said...

Full of color and cozy. This will definitely be someone's favorite snuggle.