Sunday, February 23, 2025

SAHRR:Three Down and Two To Go

Yippee! It finally warmed up into the double digits with wind chill also in double digits so I ventured outside to the clothesline for some photos. 

 I  am participating in the 2025 Stay At Home Round Robin (SAHRR).

I am going to use the weekly prompts to make 5 kiddo sized row quilts. 

The prompt this week for round 5 is "half log cabins".

Last week one of my five row quilts was long enough after round 4. 

This week I added half log cabins to 2 quilts and now they are long enough and out of the game. 

The last prompt for round 6 comes out tomorrow and hopefully after that you will see rounds 5 and 6 on my remaining 2 of the 5 quilts that are still in the game. 

Under Construction

I had just enough of a print with construction vehicles digging around in dirt that I cut into 4.5 inch squares. Then I dug around in my brown scraps for anything that looked like it might pass as dirt and cut 2.5 inch rectangles - fourteen 2.5 x 4.5 rectangles and fourteen 2.5 x 6.5 rectangles.  Then I made fourteen half log cabin blocks.  Seven blocks went into a row for the top and... of them went into a row on the bottom. 

Now I have a top 42 x 60 so I'm stopping here with this one. 

Elephants on Parade

I had a little shoe box with small scraps of black and white fabrics. From that I pulled some 2.5 inch pieces to cut 20 -- 2.5 inch squares for my starter square of the half log cabins.  I cut 1.5 inch strips from a couple of different white scraps for my second round of the log cabins. And then I pulled more scraps from my shoe box of black and whites to cut 1.5 inch rectangles for the final round of the 4 inch finished half log cabins.   As an added bonus I emptied the shoe box. I sorted all remaining b/w scraps by width and put them into my boxes of scraps sorted by width. 

Then I added a row of half log cabin blocks the top and...

...and to the bottom. 
That also makes this a 42 x 60 inch top and it won't need anything else added. 

Basket Orphan Blocks
30 repro scraps

As a reminder this Basket centered top is also out of the game. It finished last week at 40 x 57 after round 4. 

The two remaining tops are ready for round 6 that comes out tomorrow. Stay tuned. 

And sew on...

REMEMBER, TREASURE, GROW, READ (my words of the year)

Now that it has warmed up into double digits I'm feeling ready for some more winter sowing! 

I was kind of bummed out yesterday when I looked out my kitchen window at the area where I sowed my native wildflower seeds a few months ago and saw three huge deer running through. They do so much damage!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

hope the deer don't ruin the flower patch!! Lovely quilts as always

marilyn said...

Oh Deer!!!

Elle said...

Great progress and fun fabulous quilt tops! You have an artist eye for oddballs that would only frustrate me :-)

Nann said...

LOL: "anything that looked like it might pass as dirt"! Good for you to set a size limit so you can declare these done when you get to that point. Bring on Round 6!

Ann said...

What a clever way to finish off some tops - when they become long enough they are out of the game. Clever you.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Wow ! Five quilts! I want to be you when I grow up. Your quilt tops are looking great.

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

How awesome that you are using these prompts to make so many quilts for charity. I look forward to seeing your finishes on the last two! Thanks for joining us.