Tuesday, October 1, 2024

I've Saved Up Enough Coins

I had a little pile of 2 inch width strips accumulated in my Coins project box. I matched up some strips, cut them into lengths divisible by 3 and sewed them together. Then I cut those strips into 3 inch lengths and sewed them together into strips. 

Now I can add those to the other coins in the box and I think there's enough for a quilt. I was planning on 24 x 52 layout for a quilt 60 x 78 inches.  Hmmm, not sure how I will approach assembly because I usually sew blocks together randomly and web together rows; however, these strips are all different lengths and colors and best sewn together in columns. I might have to lay this one out on the floor  and gather up the columns and number them. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

Sep. 29 - Beautiful waning crescent moon and lots of stars in the sky. When granddaughter Kayla was two years old she called it a "witch moon" and we have called the crescent moon "witch moon" ever since. That reminds me...Sometimes when the grandkids were younger we would lay on piles of quilts on the deck and look up at the sky and watch for shooting stars and alien spaceships.  The funny thing is that hubby had a green laser that he would sometimes shine on to the deck and move it around. When they claimed to see it we pretended we didn't. They started calling it the green alien. That trick went on for quite a few years until they caught grandpa red handed with the green laser!

Sep. 30 -- New underwear. It's about time! 




Elle said...

LOVE the Kayla story. What sweet memories for your heart :-)

Cherie Moore said...

What wonderful memories you have and such love you shared with the children.

Jenny said...

Green aliens on the deck, what fun. And buying new underwear always makes us feel better!

Beth H said...

I agree! New underwear is worth celebrating!!

RyLynn said...

Are coins in the box better than money in the bank 🤔?