Sunday, September 1, 2024

WITB Top #2 - I Spy

I Spy
16 Patch Star
40 x 60
It's a top!

I started on this one last year after someone gave me a big bag of 3 inch squares.   Since then I have received other 3 inch squares and 3 inch width strips in various lengths from other folks and I have been accumulating them all in a box. Normally I have a block going for every size scrap I encounter; however, I have really not ever generated many 3 inch width scraps of my own and in the past if I received some 3 inch width pieces I cut them in half for two 1.5 inch pieces because I usually have a lot of blocks in the works that use that size of scrap. When I received that gallon bag of 3 inch squares last year I decided to start making a few quilts with those scraps and start saving those scraps in a box instead of cutting them smaller.  

This is comfort quilt #2 ! 

For this top I used all of the I Spy pieces in the box.  For the wonky star centers I used novelties with white backgrounds.  

I didn't have enough novelties for the quilt so I also used multicolor wild and crazy squares mostly in the pieces with star points.  I'm trying to use up pieces in my 3 inch width box so didn't want to go outside the box for more novelties. 

The grandkids used to love their I Spy quilts. We played many a game of I Spy and the kids learned their colors, body parts, etc. playing the game. As they got older I would ask them to find things that fly or are sweet or live in water, a fruit...or find something that rhymes with goat, pen...  and sometimes we would walk through the squares and each kid could pick a direction to go for the next square and tell that part of the story and so on.   Most of the time the stories had silly things happening to grandma like a bat in my hair or I stepped in dog poop or something like that. Oh no!

I'm the oldest of five siblings and my hubby is the oldest of 8. When our siblings started having grandkids I made the proud grandparents I Spy quilts to keep at their house for when grandkids visited so they could play too.   It is difficult to believe that now that generation of grandkids are now having kids. Summer's (our grand niece) baby girl Scarlett is past due!  

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

August 31 - I finished a book! - Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe by Heather Webber. One of the last books I read was classified as being of the magical realism genre. I had never heard of magical realism before that but I thought it was a nice easy reading happy sort of genre and a good way to take a break from some of that historical fiction I usually read. I decided I needed a little more magical realism in my life. I read on my Kindle (so I can enlarge print and have backlighting for reading at night) and have a Kindle Unlimited subscription so looked up some magical realism books and Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe is one of the books that came up.   It was light easy reading...reading that was the equivalent of watching a Hallmark movie.  All of the characters in the little village found happiness, the pies at the cafe always sold out and the blackbirds were magical.  And now I'm finished with magical realism for a little while. 



Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love my kindle for the reasons you give and have Kindle Unlimited as well - it is such a good deal I wish I could read all my books through that but of course the really new ones you need to pay for :(

Julierose said...

Lovely work on that "starry" I Spy quilt, Cathy...;))) Hugs, Julierose

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

What a fun I Spy quilt! I love how you used the 16 patch stars for it. They're going on my list of blocks to make. That does sound like a good book, too!

Chantal said...

I Spy is always a good quilt to have around with children. They can invent so many games with such a quilt. It must be the week for I Spy quilt as I have just sold mine. Time to make another one. I love yours. The smaller squares make for more images to search. Too bad you don't have more novelty prints. I can share if you leave me your address. Have a great week. ;^)

Anonymous said...

Love your book review - so funny! Thanks!


Jenny said...

Eye Spys and stars, a great combination.

RyLynn said...

I spy little stars - fun, colorful and enchanting. Another winner! said...

Your I Spy quilt is a winner! What a great way to use up the 3 inch squares. . .that is a size I don't use either! I was impressed. . .again with your ability to use the scraps as they were rather than cutting them smaller!

Pamela Arbour said...

I love everything you do and I love the stories you add with them. Thanks for taking the time to share. I know it takes time to do these posts. I love that quilt. It will be a treasure to someone. I am curious. Do you think you will empty your box by the end of the month?

Nann said...

The star points add sparkles among the novelties. Great way to use 'em.

Mystic Quilter said...

I Spy quilts are always a winner I think, very bright and amazing what's coming out of the boxes! Jumping back a post I do like your Monkey Wrench blocks and also Wonky Windmill, you have good collection of black fabrics. Also back to another post WITB 1 - love it!

Allison said...

Thank you for sharing those fun games you and your Grandkids played using their I-Spy quilts.