Saturday, September 28, 2024

Twilight Flock -- Now A Complete Block Set

Twilight Flock
6 inch blocks
Now there are 130 blocks and they are ready for assembly but not sure when that will happen. In the meantime they will join many other complete block sets in the SAR (Some Assembly Required) bin. 

I started making blocks in January 2024 as a RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challege) project. I was inspired by a quilt called Twilight Flock in  From the Cover (Quilter's Newsletter Magazine Editors and Contributors).

Since black was the RSC color this month I decided to get out those small chunks of black and get these finished.  I just picked through my little pile of 2.5 inch width scraps for anything long enough for the three geese bodies. 

And sew on...

RSC ScrapHappy Saturday

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

Sept.  27 -  Internet quilting friends.  Over the years I've gotten to know many folks I've never met in person better than some folks I have actually met in person. One of those friends was Linda Ashworth. I say "was" because I think she has recently passed away.  I had not heard from her for awhile and had no response to my emails I have been sending since 7/19.  I knew she had been in and out of the hospital with heart problems and more recently kidney problems. Linda blogged at Koshka2 Quilts. She made many donation quilts for babies. Over the years she sent me photos of some babies on quilts she made,  sent me a video of her granddaughter singing in a Christmas pageant and told me of the fun she had making lavendar bags and stuffed fabric heart Christmas decorations with her granddaughter. Along time ago sent me a little handmade drawstring bag all the way from the UK. I keep some hand quilting supplies in it.( When she asked for my addy because she wanted to send me something I told her thank you for the thought but it would be too expensive to send me anything from the UK but she insisted). I know she had a son Christopher who died in a car accident in 1996. She told me the pain never goes away. (That subject came up with the unexpected loss of my granddaughter Kayla).  She liked the Twinkler quilt block and lived in a town with a ruined castle - Kenilworth Castle. She left many a lovely comment on my blog. Since I have not heard from her since July I figured she must be hospitalized once again and not doing well. I was worried about her. Not that I'm morbid or anything...I started looking to see if I could find an obituary for her. I think I have...Linda Ashworth obit.   I'll sure miss our litttle email "chats".  In 2022 she told me her sister Pat passed away and shortly after her sister's granddaughter gave birth to a son, Freddie.  My response and her reply -

> On Thu, 13 Oct 2022, 18:57 , <Cathy> wrote:

>> Thanks for the update, Linda! The service sounds like it was a fitting  tribute. And as the cycle goes...Pat joins the angels and an angel named  Freddie is born.

>> Take care of yourself, Linda!

>> Cathy

On 2022-10-13 3:51 pm, Linda Ashworth wrote:

> Thanks for your lovely reply, Cathy.

> Very apt because the last line of my Eulogy was "May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."

> Linda x

So I hope flights of angels sung her to her rest and may she rest in peace. I am a better person for having known her! 


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I remember Linda, too! She sometimes commented on my blog and I did on hers. I'm sorry to hear that news, Cathy. It's very true that we all get to know and care about each other from these blogs. Love those Night Flight blocks!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Thank you for hunting down that information. I'm saddened to hear of Linda's passing. She was always a kind and generous commenter on my blog. Nice work with those black scrappy blocks, Cathy!

Pamela Arbour said...

Thank you for sharing your time spent with Linda. Looking at her blog, it sounds like she was pretty busy quilting this year. I have also made a few quilting friends over the years and they have taken a place in my heart, you being one of them. I know you will cherish her memories. I love those night flight blocks.

Chantal said...

Looking forward to seeing Twilight Flight come together. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. It is sad for us to let a cherished person go but the person is happy to be reunited with his family once again. Like all angels and heavenly bodies, she too can hear you. So, talk as much as you want to her. Blessings and peace to you. ;^)

Mystic Quilter said...

Well Cathy this is a difficult comment to make. We did have email contact you and I after her email to the four of us and you did mention her again some time ago. I did hear from her after she had two weeks in each of two hospitals, she listed the health problems she was dealing with, I realised then that sadly she wouldn't have much longer on this earth, I think she realised this with her words in our "conversation". I had been in contact with her for many years and in her last mail to me commented that she wished I lived next door and we could share a cup of tea together, she told me to take care of myself. Thank you for sharing the link to her obituary,

Sara said...

I really love the dark background with your Flying Geese. Making friends via our blogs and other "quilt-y" social media - very definitely is one of the best aspects of being online. And we miss those friends when they are gone, almost like our in-person friends.

RyLynn said...

This is a beautiful eulogy. I'm still looking forward to the finished quilt!!

Sue said...

I so love those Twilight Flock blocks. They are striking!