
Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Stay At Home Round Robin (SAHRR) Round 3

My triangles are in the 20 - 6 inch (finished) Sawtooth Stars I made for this round. 

My quilt now is a 36.5 inch square.  I believe there are 3 more rounds to go. 

After I added the Stars around I thought maybe I should have added a coping border first but I didn't so I quickly quit thinking. 

I guess this quilt wants to be all blue and white. I didn't have enough of any blue or tiny blue flowers on white fabrics so I used a couple of chunks of each to make the Stars. Who knows what I will come up with to use in the next rounds but surely I will be able to be creative and make do. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (My word of the year)

Feb. 4 - Wish I had a picture. The sunrise brought with it an oh so beautiful golden hour glow. What a way to start the day!  

 Also the last few days I've been celebrating Winter Sowing. You can Google to find more info on winter sowing. I've been doing it for years.  So far I've sown seeds of several different Larkspurs and Delphiniums, Love Lies Bleeding, Forget-Me-Nots, Verbena Hostata, Cowslip, Wild Primrose, Sea Holly, Snapdragons, a couple of different columbines, a couple of different Foxgloves, Butterfly Weed, Rattlesnake Master, Hoary Vervain, Borage and Jacob's Ladder.  I will probably post more about this in some future Wednesday Wandering posts.  If my packet has a lot of seeds I sow in milk jugs otherwise I sow in 4 inch pots.  I still have a lot more winter sowing to do. I'm looking forward to that early Spring the groundhog predicted! And I hope the groundhog I've been battling around here for a couple of years takes a long long long winter's nap!

Feb. 5 -  I received a lovely package from a friend that had some of the finest homespuns I've ever seen as well as a couple of potholders, lotion and herbal tea sampler.  I am blessed to know so many wonderful generous people.  Those homespuns will make a nice comfort quilt. I'm thinking of making one like the Dandy Quilt I made for my husband's friend. 


  1. Your quilt is beautiful! A coping border might have been nice but obviously you didn't need one to make the stars fit. I hope all your flowers germinate for some beautiful summer color, happy stitching!

  2. Your blue and white is quickly becoming a beauty! Keep going!!! And yes, there are many generous kind people in this world.

  3. Absolutely gorgeous! Love the blues. Winter sowing, I used to do it Norway. It was a sign of spring and summer coming.

  4. Love your blue quilt-in-progress!

  5. The blues in your quilt are so beautiful! This is going to be spectacular!

  6. Very pretty quilt! Blues are looking good. And no snow! Thot of sowing seeds again, but decided against this year. Sewing fabric instead.

  7. What a gorgeous quilt this is turning out to be! I don't think I have that many beautiful blues in my stash and I thought I had a lot. Another box of goodies? Wow! It's amazing that you have time to do some winter sowing with everything else you have going on.

  8. The blues compliment your center block so well; it's such a pretty quilt!

  9. Love the addition of the sawtooth stars. I'm looking forward to seeing what your scraps will make you do next. Winter sowing! I've never heard of that. Lovely package indeed. Enjoy! ;^)

  10. The blues are so soothing and perky. Did you lose all the snow like we did? It looks pretty clear around the quilt display. Do you cut the milk jugs? I have to look it up and try to do the winter sowing. Once I get back from the watercolor workshop I am teaching this weekend, I will research it. The prep has chewed up all my time. All the valentine cards will be late this year because I am still packing and leaving early Fri. am.

  11. I’m thinking the extra border would have created a math headache for sizing the blocks. I really like the vivid blue, and it’s just so neat to see how you have different prints with the same saturation that work so well together.

  12. What a beautiful blue & white quilt! I'm interested in seeing what comes next...

  13. This is a wonderful quilt already! Love the colors.

  14. This is beautiful. Those blues are stunning :)

  15. Sawtooth star is my favorite block, so I'm thrilled that's how you added your triangles! This looks great so far!


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