
Sunday, February 4, 2024

Bramble Blooms

The latest prompt for the Bramble Blooms Quilt Along (QAL) is "Add a border with repeat applique motifs to your centerpiece, with quarter-triangle style cornerstone blocks."

My repeat applique motif is a butterfly. For my QST style cornerstones I divided up the cornerstones into four quarters with four appliqued flower petals using one of the templates I made for the smallest Coneflower in the center block. 

When we started this QAL we were to pull several piles of fabrics because for this QAL we will be making 3 improv quilts.  All three of my piles have the same orange and lime green piles of scrap chunks. This quilt has saturated purples added in.  So those are the colors I'm working with.  Pretty wild...yes, I know. 

My borders are 6 inch finished.  Like I mentioned previously...I used a flower petal from my small coneflower for my template for the four petaled needleturn appliqued "QST flowers". 

I made a butterfly template and traced around it on the back side of a  piece of  light (not fusible) interfacing I had on hand.  Then I put the right sides of a lime green scrap and the interfacing together and sewed around the traced line. I then trimmed around the sewn line and clipped curves then cut a small slit in the interfacing and turned the butterfly right side out - a butterfly emerging from it's coccoon!  Ok. So that might seem like a lot of work for 20 little butterflies but I think for me that was a lot easier than trying to needleturn applique around all those curves on the little butterflies. I don't see all that well and my fingers aren't as nimble as they used to be. 
So then I did a blanket stitch around the butterflies with two strands of a variegated embroidery thread that was purple and lime green. I found my milliner's (straw) needles so I could make a long bullion stitch for the butterfly bodies. I can't believe I actually remembered how to do a bullion stitch! So is best to use a milliner's needle for long bullions because those needles are a little longer than embroidery needles and the eye and shaft are the same size (no bulge at eye) so that makes it easier to pull the needle through the bullion wraps.  I used perle #12 for the thread and was able to get 42 wraps. I wish I had used a thicker thread so the bodies (bullions) were a little fatter or been able to get a few more wraps so bodies were a little longer but I will just quit wishing and be satisfied with my end result.  Oh, and then I added some antennae with black perle #12 backstitches. 

And now I am ready for the next round. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

Feb. 3 - Yesterday I went out to put outgoing mail in my mailbox and what was in my breezeway but - SURPRISE! - a roll of batting. I have no idea who to thank for that big surprise. That almost brought tears to my eyes. I have so many mostly comfort quilt tops that need quilting but I'm usually always short on batting. This surprise roll came at a very good time. The roll I've been working with is getting low and I've been looking for a good sale for a couple of weeks.  THANK YOU, anonymous donor(s)!  There was no info on who sent this with the batting and unless I'm getting very forgetful I know I didn't order it.   Now I guess I need to get some quilts finished!  My mantra for donation quilts this year is "44 (or more) in '24"! 



  1. That is so pretty, Cathy! I love the bright colors you're using. Those butterflies are really fun! I've never mastered that bullion stitch in embroidery - I'm guessing now that it's because I've been using the wrong needle. That roll of batting was the perfect gift for you - what a wonderful surprise!

  2. Butterflies! Love it. They are as whimsical as the flowers so they are perfect. That's a very generous donor! You know that what goes around comes around. You give so many quilts to all kinds of charity work that they are giving back to you (I guess). May this person be blessed for her/his good deed. Enjoy! ;^)

  3. Your Bramble Blooms is beautiful, I love the butterflies!

  4. Bramble Blooms is gorgeous, and what a nice surprise of the batting!

  5. Wow, that was a big surprise gift! Your butterflies look great. I wouldn't have the patience to make so many of them.

  6. Butterflies and blooms, dont they look wonderful! What a lovely gift you received. That roll of batting will be a big help with your donation quilts.

  7. Your butterflies are so joyful! This quilt is going to be fabulous, can't wait to see what you come up with for the next round. Batting by the roll is a perfect gift for you, you were blessed!

  8. It's coming together beautifully! I've got to get busy & catch up!

  9. So bold and so fun! Love what you have going on! When making comfort quilts, I find when I really need something, it shows up. I used to give vintage sewing machines tuneups and spa treatments for the cash to buy comfort quilt supplies, but that dried up during covid. Now things come in different ways, always a surprise.

  10. Love, love, your butterflies! And I like the applique you did on your cornerstones, great idea. Wow! So generous of someone sending you the roll of batting.

  11. All those butterflies fluttering around the coneflowers are wonderful. Such a joyous quilt this will be. Well done on all those bullion stitches. Wonderful the gift of batting found its way to your home. A most serendipitous gift!

  12. What a beautiful quilt, especially the colors! And what a nice surprise the roll of batting was. You have been such a lucky recipient of all kinds of goodies lately, not that you don't deserve it.

  13. Wild and happy! I love this project!
    And what a fantastic celebrate! Someone knows your heart! :)

  14. Bright and cheerful fun quilt, love it!

  15. How wonderful that some generous soul sent you a roll of batting! I can't think of anyone more deserving since you make so many donation quilts for others. .
    Love your butterflies with the coneflowers!

  16. This is just gorgeous. I love the bright colours. I tried the interface method for appliqué when I was struggling with needleturn, and I found that harder because I couldn’t seem to hide the interface at the edge. My bramble blooms has stalled. I need to get back to it.

  17. So awesome about your batting surprise!! And I'm enjoying your BBI so much. Love the wild spirit that is has.:)

  18. I love how you have worked the first border Cathy, perfect. Love the butterflies, they sit beautifully on the colour of Spot you've chosen, always a good fabric to show of applique.
    Happy to read you had the surprise gift of batting, it's an expensive item I know.

  19. Omigosh I am loving your Bramble Blooms quilt top . . . the colors, the design, the joy it exudes. WELL DONE.

  20. Gorgeous! Especially like the orange with purple spots. The swarm of butterflies is perfect. Enjoyed reading about your method of making them. Delightful gift for you and well deserved. Take care, friend.


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