
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

A Sixteen Patch Top

Sixteen Patch
It's a top! 
56 x 72

I made these 8 inch Sixteen Patch blocks a long time ago from some civil war repro and similar 2.5 inch width scraps. After I finished the set I put them into my Some Assembly Required (SAR) box. I got them out last month when the theme in my sewing space was "Browns and Blues" and webbed together the blocks but then never progressed past that point.  So this month I finally ended up with a top. 

This month in my sewing space the theme is "Free Range" - I'm free to do whatever suits my fancy. But I really think my theme should be "Piles". Since I moved my sewing machine upstairs to the dining room table to be near my husband as he recuperates I have been up and down stairs with multiple bags and boxes of scraps and fabric for the multiple projects I've been working on the last few months. Some things go back downstairs to the sewing space but then more things come up. I have piles around the dining room table everywhere. Piles, Piles, Piles. So, as I said, I think my theme this month is going to be PILES. I hope to reduce some of them and make room around the dining room table for a March quilting marathon. 

So the pile that was previously a webbed top is now a completed top and it can go back down to the sewing space and into the To-Be-Quilted pile down there. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

Feb. 6 - Celebrating weight loss. What a surprise. Without even trying I have lost 17 lbs. since September.  I guess all that running up and down stairs with my sewing stuff may have some beneftits!



  1. Gosh that’s a lot of weight to loose. With. Your busy life I guess you don’t have time to snack between meals. Top looks good.

  2. When you mentioned going up and down the stairs a lot, I had wondered if you were losing weight. The steps are also keeping your heart healthy. Quilting is good for your health! The sixteen patch quilt looks very nice, simple blocks are so much fun to make. Happy stitching!

  3. Goodness me, congratulations on your unexpected weight loss. All that stair work certainly has benefits. Your quilting marathon will be great to see. Please look after your back with all this sitting at the sewing machine.
    I love the way you find things to celebrate in your life, thanks so much for sharing.

  4. Congrats on the unintended lighter version of yourself. You don't sound concerned so perceive it's a healthy positive.

    GREAT 16p! Cheers :-)

  5. There are several old reproductions in my OW triangles, too. So good to get them out of the boxes. Your plan for the month sounds great. And your weight loss. Keep up the good work.

  6. With so many piles, I'm not sure I had known where to start. Great plan for the month. Your quilt top looks good. Congrats on the weight loss. Running the stair pays off. Happy quilting!

  7. Congratulations on your weight loss! I compare two-level quilting to going to a retreat because to do it efficiently you have to plan what to make and then have a stock of supplies at hand. (There's still a lot of going up-and-down, I admit.) The 16p blocks look great. I look forward to see how you'll quilt it.

  8. i love this one - I have always liked that block and seeing them again - makes me fall in love again!!!

    and congrats on the loss ;-)

  9. Oh how I love 16 patch blocks/quilts!!!!! And I guess I need some stairs too!
    Have a great day! Love your posts!!!!

  10. I love 16 patch quilts no matter what colors are used. They always look good and are easy to put together, especially with strip piecing and can be adapted for either gender. I might have to make another one now.


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