
Friday, May 24, 2019

It's a Finish! Triangle Tiles

Triangle Tiles
It's a finish!
82 x 88
Hand quilted. 
 My quilt was inspired by a vintage quilt made by Stella Freeman Gillion in the 1940s or 1950s which is now in the collection of her grandson, Dr. Alan Childress. 

Normally I don't use a pattern for vintage inspired quilts. I just usually see one and make my own version. In July 2018 Quiltfolk Magazine started a monthly digital pattern subscription. I subscribed and each month for $3.95 I received patterns for a "source" or vintage quilt and a "revival" or interpretation of that quilt by a modern quilter.  The patterns were a surprise I looked forward to each month; however, Quiltfolk discontinued the monthly pattern subscription and instead offer the patterns now at $8.95.   This one was Quiltfolk Pattern 001 released as a digital pattern subscription in July 2018. 

I used 30s reproduction fabrics in red, blue and yellow with a few browns thrown in for fun. 

 I don't normally add borders to my quilts but I thought I would add the plain borders like the vintage quilt had in order to make the quilt a little larger. I had the Kona Candy Blue in my stash leftover from making another quilt. It was meant to be since I had just enough.   Originally with borders my top measured 82 x 92 but I cut off 2 inches on top and bottom borders before quilting in order for the quilt to fit my batting. 

Battins is Hobbs Heirloom 80/20. I hand quilted in a neutral thread Baptist Fans marked with stencil and chalk. Binding was the same Kona Candy Blue as the border.   I don't usually remember fabric colors or names or designers but I remembered this one because I thought blue candy would taste terrible. 

For the backing I pieced together yardage with tea cups sketched in light brown and letters in blue. 

This was my goal #1 for Q2 Finish-Along


  1. love that pattern and the fabrics you used

  2. Lovely! I like the bits of brown in there. I will have to remember that - they fit right in.

  3. Wowsers!! Just LOOK at all those triangles; being triangle challenged myself--I had to sit down and take a deep breath before reading ;000/;)))
    this is really beautiful--Great job....
    Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day hugs, Julierose

  4. Everything came together and it looks beautiful! I love that you hand quilted it in Baptist Fan to continue with the authentic look. Congrats on a great finish!

  5. Lots of stitching there! You undoubtedly have lots of persistence! Best of all, it turned out beautiful! ---"Love"

  6. Absolutely lovely! The blue candy border is perfect, sets off all those triangle blocks. Interested by the name of the designer, her middle name Freeman was my maiden name.

  7. A beautiful quilt, made even better with hand quilting.

  8. A lovely finish Cathy, and you can never go wrong with Baptist fan quilting!

  9. Another cute quilt! You must get so sick of all the compliments! From my monitor, it looks like regular quilting and not big stitch. You are keeping this one?

  10. Oh, I love this one, Cathy! Something about those neat rows of triangles and the crisp blue border really makes it float my boat. And I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who modifies a quilt top to fit the batting available in the stash. One of the great benefits of designing your own pieces, right? :)

  11. The Kona Cotton blue looks great and your hand quilting is lovely. Another beauty. That vintage quilt is amazing too, thanks for sharing.

  12. A wonderful quilt! I love how you teamed up some of the ittybitty 30's with checks & strips, and swopped out the values a little, very effective. So much to look at here! And all your hand quilting makes this extra specail! {I will get back to my version soon-ish!}

  13. What a fabulous finish! My triangle tiles project is still in pieces waiting to be sewn together. Your choices for borders and binding are excellent.

  14. I always think you do a better job than your inspiration piece. You do great with your color schemes.

  15. Sigh. It's so beautiful. I could look at it all day.

  16. Another fine finish! You really do make the most cheerful quilts!

  17. One of the most beautiful quilts I've seen this year! It is stunning!!! I love HSTs and they can be transformed in so many different patterns. I love this!

  18. This is just amazing! It puts me to shame how quickly you finish a whole hand quilted project!
    I love the baptist fan and MUST put that on my to-do list!

  19. This is beautiful. The fabrics all look so good together, and it's extra special because you hand quilted it. Thank you for linking up to the Peacock Party.

  20. Oh wow, what an amazing quilt. All those itty bitty triangles look fabulous sitting next to each other. The very word triangle, makes me a little terrified. =) Your choice of fabrics both with the triangles, border and backing are fabulous. Gorgeous hand quilting too. Truly your Triangle Tiles is a most glorious finish.

  21. What an incredible quilt! So many small pieces and gorgeous.

  22. Gorgeous finish. LOVE these colors!


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