
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Some Assembly Required

 I now have 48 Spider Web blocks! 

An empty shoe box of 1.5 inch strips or 26 more Webs for my target of 48 was my OMG (One Monthly Goal) for May.   I made all my Webs and almost emptied the shoe box too. The remaining strips went into the bright strings box to be used in a couple of other UFOs. 

 This week's 16 blocks are on the left. The pile of previously made blocks are on the right. 
A total of 48 blocks...192 wedges...2112 pieces (if my pencil and paper math is correct).

It's about time!!! I started these webs back in October 2015 but ran out of 1.5 inch scraps a couple of times along the way.  When I decided to move this UFO forward this month I had 22 blocks and a shoe box full of 1.5 inch scraps accumulated over a few years to work with. 

Now there's some assembly required. 

Maybe I'll have a top completed for the next Wednesday Web report. Or this might be the last Wednesday Web report. Time will tell. 


  1. Whew! Good job! It will be fun to see how this one comes together. Your collection of b&w spider web fabrics is amazing. Sandy at

  2. I love your post title - so true! And what a fun project to be working on. Looks like the finish line is ahead :)

  3. So my prediction was correct - you did have enough strips to make your required 48 blocks before the shoe box was empty! Well done. It will be a fabulous quilt.

  4. Some Assembly Required, LOL . . . I would say a Lot Of Assembly Required! I just love scrappy quilts.

  5. I love these spider web quilts made from scraps. I've made two in my quilting life. And I love the way you've used black prints; black always seems to make the prints pop!

  6. I love your spiderweb blocks! This will be a fabulous quilt!

  7. Congratulations on meeting your goal and your top is almost done!
    Very happy and scrappy too.

  8. You've made such great progess on these blocks! And a nearly empty shoe box? That's quite the accomplishment :)

  9. A lovely quilt from a shoebox of scraps. They look great against the black prints. You inspire me to make another one.

  10. Such beautiful and colorful blocks! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished top. This looks like it is going to be a keeper.

  11. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!1 LOVE the black and the contrast with the brights!

  12. Love these! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!


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