
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Embroidery for Eavesdropping

I've been using the scraps left over from my Triangle Tiles quilt to frame some muslin for embroidery.  I've finished the embroidery on another block and have more prepped with embroidery transfers. My husband has had a lot of diagnostic testing done lately and this has been a nice take along project for me. I've tried reading a book but I'm so nosy I have to listen in to all the conversations in the waiting room. I can't do that while reading but I can do that while embroidering. 

More later. 


  1. Your embroidery is beautiful. God bless your husband in the testing, hoping for good results!

  2. Love the embroidery. I hope to get back to that in the near future. You are making me itchy for it!

  3. Ha ha! I completely understand. Hope things work out well with the testing.

  4. The fabrics are nostalgic seeming to me and the embroidery totally complements them. Together just lovely.

  5. Best wishes for a good outcome! In the meantime, I have to ask you about the fabric you are using to frame this embroidery. Is this vintage feedsack fabric? Or repro? I'll tell you why I ask after I hear back from you.

  6. Hope things go well for your husband. Good idea to take embroidery along to the appointments.

  7. Those really do look like vintage feedsacks. Good idea to take some kind of handwork to the appointments. I hope everything goes well.

  8. Pretty and delicate embroidery. I like the way it crosses over into the border.

  9. Your right you know...
    Works at home with company also!!!!
    While it would be rude beyond belief to pick up a book or an Ipad game at home with someone else there, I can pick up hand work and enjoy the presence and company of others ....

  10. Beautiful!! I love embroidery with patchwork.

  11. Beautiful stitching! I love embroidery in my quilts

  12. Lovely work! Like others I like this mix of patchwork and embroidery a lot. I listen in all the time - glad I'm not the only one.

  13. Hoping all goes well with the tests!!!!! xo. And you’re hilarious about the (beautiful) embroidery while listening to others’ conversations! I know it’s just a form of people watching and can be very enlightening or entertaining. As for me, I’d rather have earbuds in and listen to music. That’s not a deficiency or a brag (at least, I don’t consider it one), but just a manifestation of how we’re all different.

  14. I wondered about the "eavesdropping" in the title and I'm so glad you explained it!!!! I totally understand! It's just so easy when everyone is in a small space!


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