
Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Lovely Year of Finishes 2013

The following is a recap of the 12 goals I completed for the 2013 Lovely Year of Finishes. 

Jan:  Wonky Log Cabin.       Feb: Pink Fluff       Mar: Black, White Plus One Other Color    Apr: ABCs
May: Depression Blocks      Jun: 30s Sampler     Jul: Patriotic Stars                 Aug: Birthday Stars
Sep: Great Granny               Oct: Just One Star   Nov: Nifty Thrifties           Dec: Girlies

The above is a recap of the 12 goals I completed for the 2013 Lovely Year of Finishes.

(I actually completed more quilts than this in 2013. See Donation Quilts and Quilt Gallery Pages of my blog)


  1. Wow, you had a very productive, creative year! Congratulations on all of your beautiful finishes!

  2. Lovely work! So many bright quilts! Great job making your goals.:)

  3. It looks like you had a busy 2013! Lovely quilts! I look forward to seeing your creations in 2014.


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