
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Sewing Along on Some Happy Blocks

Heartstrings Quilt Project is having another holiday sew along. This time we are working on Happy Blocks. 

This suits me just fine. I have to admit that I have a giant box of Happy Blocks in all different sizes and themes.  And that's a whole bunch of UFOs I need to clear out of my sewing room and get donated.  So the sew along gave me a place to start on UFOs in 2014. 

For the Happy Cats top I only had to make 5 more blocks to add to the 30 in the box.  These all have 4.5 inch centers and 2.5 inch sides for a finished 8 inch block and a quilt that will measure 40 x 56. 

The next top I managed to finish (in between playing games with the grandkids who partied all last night and today at my house) is Happy Hearts. 

I had more than the 35 blocks I needed for this Happy Hearts top. 

I had to have my lovely assistants (9 year old granddaughters) hold up the quilts for the photos since it has been snowing outside all day long.  I think they wanted themselves included in the photos but they looked pretty grungy so I cropped them out. Their moms always have them wear old clothes when they come visit here in the country because they usually get so dirty playing outside in the woods and in their hide outs. 

I'm off work the next couple of days ( but I feel miserable with this awful cold the little whippersnappers brought me) so we shall see how many Happy Blocks tops I get assembled. 

1 comment:

  1. I also have a drawer full of Happy Blocks. I wonder if we were ever in the same group - was it StashBuilders on Yahoo?

    Love your cats and hearts. I am hoping to get mine assembled into tops and use them for FMQ practice this year. I'm not counting them as UFOs because I truly have no idea how many blocks I have.

    I do love making these and using them so it's all good! Hope you feel better soon.


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