
Monday, December 30, 2013


I've been working on several things off an on in the last couple of weeks.  I've added more baskets (aka Cake Stand but looks like baskets to fill up to me) to my pile...

I think I have 21 blocks total now.  I'll have to see how many more things I have in my stash in the colors I'm using that will "fill" some baskets. 

These are all so LOUD I can hardly hear myself think while sewing. 

I've also finished all of the letters I need for the words for the quilt I have in mind for them.  The only capital letter I made is a D and it looks like I might have to make that a little bigger. 

I also worked on filling up and stacking some jars for a "preppers" quilt I have in mind.  I have a whole pile of jars made now - probably more than I need. 

And I finished a 12 inch star block in 30s reproduction fabrics as requested by a "birthday club" member.  I have January's birthday block ready to mail. I like to stay ahead of things. 

I recently swapped some 4.5 HSTs with ladies of a Yahoo group and got busy sewing those and some others I had in my box into 16 inch Depression Blocks. 

And I sewed up some odds and ends in my 1.5 inch scrap bin into 3.5 inch butterfly and spool blocks. 

And that's it for my "Make do Design Walls".  For some inspiration from some other Design Walls visit Judy's Design Wall Monday linky at Patchwork Times. 

1 comment:

  1. Holy Moly...that is some design wall. Looks like you have it filled to the brim!


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