
Thursday, January 2, 2025

Four Patch Finish

4 Patches
40 x 60

Back in March 2023 someone gave me a big bag of 3 inch squares. For this quilt I pulled out the blacks, black and whites, whites and colored tone on tone (TOT) squares.   I made four patches that contained black and whites and one TOT square arranged in no particular order.   I had to add a few squares cut from other scraps in order to have enough for a kiddo comfort quilt. 

Then the four patches were sewn together randomly as they came off the pile. 

I quilted it with black thread on my sewing machine with vertical lines on each side of the seam lines. 

The binding is scrappy blacks and whites that came out of the leftover 2.25 inch binding box. The places I donate kiddo quilts request binding be sewn down by machine. So for kiddo quilts I trim quilts right up to the edge and use 2.25 inch binding sewn first to the back and then turned to the front and sttitched down by machine.    

On other quilts where I attach the binding by hand I trim the quilt 1/4 inch away from the edges and use 2.5 inch binding stitched first to the front and then turned to the back and hand stitched. 

I almost had enough of the black with polka dots for the back. 

This batch of batting seems to have more scrim than usual so the quilts seem a little stiffer than usual but I had no problems quilting so I guess all is okay. 

This month's theme in my sewing space is "Quilting Marathon" so other than make my Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks for this month then that is what I will be doing most of the time. 

And sew on...

GROW! (one of my words for 2025)

A new sign for my garden! 😀



  1. Fun!!!! There are a lot of cute fabrics in there!

  2. It's great to *start* with a *finish*!

  3. I'm with Nann on this one. Starting the year with a "Quilting Marathon" is awesome! This one looks good. I never sewed the binding on the back first and then sew it to the front by machine. I have to try it this year. ;^)

  4. I've never seen a binding completely by machine. I suppose I should be that on my list of things to try this year. Of course, that means I'd actually have to finish a quilt (see my comment on your last post).

  5. You're off to a great start! In fact you're way ahead of me already.

  6. Another beautiful scrap quilt. Once the quilt is washed, it will be fine. Where on earth did you find that sign?


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