Back in November I commenced working on my Tree of Life quilt started way back in 2015. How quickly flow the years. I blogged that I needed to make 7 more blocks and then assemble the top.
I think it now measures about 69 inches square. And now that I look at it I'm wondering if it might need some kind of leafy border(s). I don't normally add borders to quilts. I will let it ferment a few more weeks and then decide if it should go into the TBQ (to be quilted) pile or back to the UFO bin.
I didnt have enough of any one blue solid when I started making the blocks so I used many different blues - blue for blue skies behind the trees.
I tried tot use some fun fabrics in the trees...apples...
...the mighty oak with acorns.
And now it's time to turn over a new leaf...a new year begins.
Two of those quilts were hand quilted and the rest quilted on my Brother PQ1500SL sewing machine. The finishes used about 327.5 yards of fabric.
Coincidentally I donated 66 quilts but not the same 66 that I finished this year. I also gifted 3 quilts.
Most of my comfort quilts are for kids and have been going to Wrap-A-Smile, Quilts Beyond Borders, and locally to a couple of different places and people.
My donation quilt goal for 2024 was "44 in '24".
My donation quilt goal for 2025 is "strive for 45 in 2025". Goals keep me on my toes!
I've never chosen a word for the year until 2024. I chose "celebrate". At the beginning of 2024 I was starting to feel a little depressed. I just get that way sometimes. I figured if I could concentrate on something good, something to be thankful for every day it might just change my mood. It has. And I can see I have so much to be thankful for. I am going to continue to celebrate every day of 2025 but not officially here on my blog...just in a journal.
I did kind of choose a few words, a few things (goals?) to focus on in 2025. Along with quilting I will probably do some scrapbooking/journaling and blog a bit about some of the following:
Many many years ago I bought the book To Our Children's Children. Remembering Family Histories for Generations to Come. by Bob Greene for both my Dad and John's parents hoping they would write about some of the prompts in the book. No one ever did. When John's parents passed away I got back their copy of the book and have always been meaning to do some prompt answering myself.
I may share some of those writings on my blog but I'm also going to make a journal/scrapbook with the writings. You may be prompted to write some things down yourself.
You all know I love to sow as much as I love to sew. I will definitely share pics of my gardens. BUT I have another goal...I've been saving my seed catalogs and seed packets for years and years and...
...I've collected a few very old seed catalogs and books. That Vicks one in the corner is from 1895. So,, anyway...I've always wanted to make some collage type scrapbook pages that combine pics of my flowers as well as seed packets and catalog pages and other tips and maybe even some dried flowers. I thought maybe then when I'm too old to get out into the gardens I can browse through my garden in scrapbook form. 2025 is the year I hope to get started on my scrapbook!
I also want to make a scrapbook about some of the many things around here I treasure... this tablecloth my grandmother cross stitched. It has roses. You know I love roses! And who knows the story behind that big wooden box I use as an end table?
I read to escape. I read to learn.
Over the years I have collected a few old books and a gazillion old newspaper articles that describe farm living back when my ancestors emigrated from Ireland and homesteaded. Over the years I've also taken a few creative writing courses and it has always been a dream to write a historical fiction book based on the lives of my ancestors. Or maybe just a book of a few short stories? Maybe in 2026 or 2027 or 2028? For 2025 my goal is just to read whatever suits my fancy, to escape, to learn.
(my four words of the year)
And so as I have done for the past several years my page of quilty UFOs going into 2025 is ready and I will cross things off the list as I complete them. I have my work cut out for me.
Thank you for your visits. Wishing you health, wealth and happiness in the New Year.
And sew on...
I have all my tree blocks made and my goal in 2025 is to put them together and finish it. My hubby especially liked this concept so, like you I made cherry trees and pine trees, fall, and summer, and winter trees etc. I will be so happy to start this one in January!!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your blog.and the wonderful work you do for others.
I like your tree blocks without a border. Your productivity is amazing and very inspiring. I'm hoping to maybe finish one quilt a month this year, and that would be a record for me. Good luck with your words/goals for 2025. We'll all enjoy reading about your progress. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteYou are such a blessing for this sick world. Giving back 69 quilts in one year is so commendable. (Whether you donate or give, to me it is the same thing. It's a generous gesture.) I'm in awe! Seriously.
ReplyDeleteI love your tree of life quilt. I like that you added the lighter blue on top and the darker ones are at the bottom. It give the impression of a forest on a hill, where the bottom is deprived of the sun's light. To bad your parents and in-laws didn't write in the book. That generation produced some very stoic personality. Because of the wars maybe? My boss gave each one of us a Journal that I will blog about. It's about finding the positive. I am incline to include some of the questions from "To Our Children's Children". You are, once again, inspiring me. That tablecloth is a real treasure. So much work. You probably don't use it much. "Dishwashing made Easy" now I would love to read that. Lol.
I had a look at your UFOs page and I am floored. You need to live for a good 100 years longer, if not more. And I will be happy to cheer you along. :^D. May 2025 go easy on you; 2024 was challenging enough. Blessings, every single day. ;^)
Love, love, love your quilts. Love to hear about your garden. Happy New Year. Stay healthy, be hopeful.
ReplyDeleteI love to read what you have been getting up to, and as always, in awe of your quilting output. Where would be be without books to inspire, thrill, and often in my case, scare us. I'm happy when the good guys overpower the baddies in the end. May 2025 be a calm and peaceful year to you and your hubby.
ReplyDeleteI have to tell you how much I loved reading your 2024 Celebrate thoughts! I am going to miss those at the end of your posts. You have amazing skills to bring a beautiful quilt out of scraps. Blessings in this New Year!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your accomplishments for 2024!
ReplyDeleteThat UFO page of yours is rather daunting! May the New Year bring excellent health to will need it!
I love the other goals...the scrapbooking, writing and treasures! I have been working hard on my family's genealogy, and I have written short stories for some of the grandkids. They seem to be enjoying them, and that is incentive for me to keep up the research. This year, I hope to tidy up the research, do some digitizing of the papers and photos, and not leave too much of a mess for those who might want to take up our family history when I am gone. :)
I didn’t make it to 44 in 24 but I did make 40 so that’s good. I’ll try for 45 in 25! I love the title of that book! I wonder if I can find a copy. I also love the idea of writing about your ancestors. I have an 8th great grandmother buried in Connecticut that I want to go “meet” sometime. Your trees of life are lovely.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Tree of Life Quilt. I look forward to reading about your upcoming adventures & beautiful quits in 2025! And also see that special garden you and your Son will work on. Beth in AL
ReplyDeleteWhat an accomplishment on all levels. I am glad to see that your word of the year is not going away. You have certainly proven that there is always something to celebrate! Thank you for sharing. I just read Lori's post from Humblequilts and she is making a Tree of Life this year and then I read your post! Oh my. It is so tempting to join you two in the adventure. I will have to think about that. When I was looking at Lori's, I was wondering how it would look scrappy, then I see your post with scrappy! I love all of your other ideas as well. I am working on a few of those myself. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteYou are a powerhouse comfort quilt maker! And with everything else you do . . . I love the ideas for the scrapbooking and especially the idea of you writing the story of your ancestors! I hope life cooperates so you can meet all of your goals this year and maybe a few extras! (and don't forget to include your own story when you start writing)
ReplyDeleteI loved your 2024 celebrate thoughts at the end of each post, Cathy! Thank you for sharing them. I'll enjoy seeing what you're up to this year, too! My mom wrote her life story when she was in her 70s and it is such a treasure because she's in her 90s with dementia now and can't remember anything anymore. Do it for your kids! Tree of Life is a beauty!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your incredible number of finishes in 2024. I don't think I finished a single quilt this year. Finished several tops and made lots of blocks, some of which were donated to block drives. And I did read or listen to 71 books.
ReplyDeleteI so enjoyed reading your celebrations. Perhaps you can throw one in occasionally when something really good happens.
I'm looking forward to seeing your quilts and flowers in 2025.
I just can't believe that a whole year of "celebrate" posts is over. I always looked forward to them. It certainly didn't feel like a whole year. The good times go by so fast! I guess the only thing for me to do is to continue the tradition myself! Thank you for ALL your inspirations.
ReplyDeleteCathy, I'm only just catching up with blogs following my accident late October, your quilts is a joy to see, so full of colour - all those triangles! Mammoth number of completed quilts - congratulations to you and I love your choice of words sharing with us the way you came to choose them, very special indeed. Hope 2025 is good to both you and your husband
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your Tree of Life quilt top & am again in awe at all you accomplish. I tried something similar with my grandmother many years ago - gave her a recorder and a stack of tapes to record the stories that went along with her album of family pictures. She never did any of it. I asked my aunt (who received the album) if I could come and copy the pages (that did have quite a bit of the back stories) or give her $$ to copy it. Never happened. Their home burned in the Santa Rosa fire (they got out in their pj's only), so our entire family LOST all of it. Thankfully my daughter (and I) were savers of letters from grandmother and we have SOME of the history & pictures (we are the amateur genealogists of our family). It still makes me sick thinking of all that was lost in that album. All because it wasn't important to them....