
Friday, December 27, 2024

Four Log Cabin Tops

Four Log Cabin Tops

Hidden Log Cabin
40 x 56

The Log Cabin lunacy all started a few weeks ago when someone with the Stashbusters group posted a link to Hidden Log Cabin made with a jelly roll or layer cake. I don't normally even look at jelly roll or layer cake ideas because I don't buy precuts. BUT at around the same time as the link came out someone sent me a flannel jelly roll so I went and looked at the video. 

The video calls for 42 strip jelly rolls and the one I had was 40. I used 35 strips which is all I needed to make a nice sized kiddo quilt. 

I just sewed the pieces together randomly and then used the layout in the video for the blocks. 

Hidden Log Cabin
from scraps
40 x 56

After I made the Hidden Log Cabin from the jelly roll I looked at my overflowing 2.5 inch strip bin (which I had actually emptied a few years ago) and decided to try a scrappy version of the Hidden Log Cabin. 

I used black 2.5 inch squares for alll of the block centers. 

Sunshine and Shadows
Log Cabin
60 x 80

After I made the scrappy Hidden Log Cabin top my 2.5 inch width scrap bin was still pretty full so I decided to make some 10 inch finished traditional log cabin blocks with red centers. 

I didn't have quite enough neutral pieces so did have to cut some 2.5 inch strips from scrap chunks. 

I think the Sunshine and Shadow Log Cabin layout is my favorite. 

Courthouse Steps
52.5 x 73.5

Then since I was in a Log Cabin mood I dug into my SAR (some assembly required) box and pulled out the complete set of Courthouse Steps blocks I made a few months ago from 2 inch width scraps. 

I've made many different Log Cabin quilts over the years; however, this is my first Courthouse Steps quilt. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

Dec. 25 - Merry Christmas. It was a quiet day for just the two of us. I remembered Christmases past full of relatives, good food and games. Hubby John and I rarely exchange gifts. In past years we just never had any disposable income and really never needed anything. This year John surprised me with a windchime that has solar powered hummingbirds that will glow in the dark. I do love windchimes. 

Dec. 26 - Mandarin Oranges. I bought a bag of mandarin oranges at the grocery store a couple of weeks ago. They are so sweet. I've been eating one or two every day for lunch. I was hoping they would be nice and juicy. I hate it when I have bought oranges and found them to be kind of dried up.  Oranges remind me of our Christmas stockings when I was a young girl - they usually had a big apple, a big orange and a few peppermint candies and that was it. I think that is the only time of year we ate an oranges or apples. I did not like (and still don't) the peppermint candies because they remind me of upset stomachs...whenever we had a stomach ache Dad gave us tea with peppermint extract or tea with peppermint candy dissolved in it. Since I didn't like the concoction I learned not to complain when I had a stomach ache. 



  1. Bravo Cathy! Prolific log cabin flimsies! You have been so busy! I’ve wanted to join in on this sew along badly but trying to focus myself on two wedding quilts by end of April & I can’t even decide on a pattern uhgg! I guess I could do a log cabin after all…LOL Beth in AL

  2. you got a lot of quilts made! When I was a child we got an orange and apple and a small handful of candy, maybe a chocolate Santa also - one present each to unwrap

  3. Log Cabins aplenty, why stop at one when you can stitch up four!

  4. I really like the Courthouse Steps layout. It looks like Chinese lanterns. I remember an orange in the toe of the stocking and chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil. I think we would also get some small trinket type gifts.

  5. cathy, i love your log cabins. such great scrappiness. you do such good work and so scrappy. thanks for sharing. patti in florida

  6. That's a lot of log cabins. I love them.

  7. Looking at the variety of quilts made me think of the quote in Forest Gump "life is like a box of chocolates" or "quilts are like a bo of chocolates", you never know what you are going to get. If we're going to call favorites, I think I favor the scrappy one with the black centers, but of course, I like them all.

    That was sweet of your husband to think of the wind chimes. I know you will love watching and hearing them. Thanks for sharing.

  8. That is a LOT of log cabin quilt tops!! Thanks for sharing the video, too. Love that hubby bought you that wind chime - you'll enjoy it so much.

  9. You're creating a subdivision of log cabins -- and like subdivisions each one is similiar but each is distinct. We are working our way through the oranges and grapefruit from our Rotary fundraiser. Delicious crop this year.

  10. I get so many great ideas from your posts! Thank you! Your post also brought back a memory. I spent a year in Australia as an exchange student (over 50 years ago). When I got a cold Mum would give me a cup of hot tea, with honey and a disperin in it (what they call aspirin). I got really adept at hiding colds! While I still love tea (& remember her with love with every cup), that has never been added since! Deb


Thank you for your vist and your time. I enjoy your comments and try to respond to them all although sometimes it might take me awhile!