
Saturday, December 28, 2024

In The Pink Four Inch Width Scraps

Shoofly and Hollow Nine
10.5 inch finished

The Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color for January is pink. 
This morning I whipped up blocks from 4 inch width pink scraps. 
The longer scraps plus one other color get made into the Shoofly blocks. 
4 inch squares get made into Hollow Nine Patch blocks with white centers. 

Broken Dishes
7 inch blocks

Shorter pieces get made into Broken Dish blocks. 

Any other 4 inch pink scraps will get cut into squares or rectangles or made into strips. I won't put them back into the 4 inch width scrap box. 

Large flat rate postage box of 4 inch width scraps I hope to empty this year. 

Years ago I cleaned out all but the 2 inch width scrap boxes and bins and then had a block going for almost every size scrap so made blocks as scraps were made or received. This year I got a little behind on processing scraps and have a box for almost every width of scrap. I hope to empty them this year making blocks in the RSC color of the month.  The last couple of RSC years I've been making blocks from scrap chunks but now I'm back to using "precuts" which aren't really precuts unless you consider that most were cut by someone other than me - most have been given to me over the past year by many different folks.  

And I try to make those scraps into comfort quilts. My goal is "Strive for 45 in 2025". My goal last year was "44 in '24" and I'm happy to say I exceeded that goal!

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

Dec. 27 - Box of orphan blocks from Cherie! 



  1. Look at you - just whipping stuff up - its awesome!!! Good luck with your strive!! you can totally do it!!

  2. Of course, you would already have pink blocks made. I must get myself back on track with RSC, but first I have 3 quilts that must be quilted as they are long overdue gifts.
    Happy New Year.

    1. Yes! Quite the over achiever!!! Starting blocks before the month even begins!!!

  3. I'm ready for pink, too! Fun to see what you've made and what your plans are for the new year. Cheering you on, Cathy!

  4. I already have a few pink blocks made too but will hold them secret until next week. Love the "white" centre in the Hollow 9. Sweets! All the best to achieve your goal in 2025. There are some very lovely scraps in that box. Enjoy! ;^)

  5. Best of luck with your scrap sewing in 2025, Cathy, and enjoy that box of Orphan Blocks for Cherie!!

  6. You are incredible - making blocks already for next year and this one hasn't ended yet! And finishing over 44 quilts for the year? That must be the record high for anybody, ever. How do you do it?

  7. Exceeded 44 quilts this year?! My goodness! You are a machine! lol Pretty pink blocks. Look at those yummy colors in the scrap box! Have a scrap-happy New Year!

  8. What a wonderful box of scraps! That is so great that you get such a glorious collection and you manage to make something special out of them all. Love your start on pinks.

  9. Great use of those scraps! Such pretty start on pink for January.


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