
Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Florals and Plaids Sixteen Patch

Sixteen Patch
10 inch finished blocks
in vintage florals and plaids.

For the last couple of weeks I've been working on these Sixteen Patch blocks as leaders/enders. I have more blocks made but the blocks in this post are the only ones I have ironed.

My target is 48 blocks for a 6 x 8 layout - 60 x 80 inches.

Plaids and florals in a quilt always reminds me of my grandmother's quilts. She used old dresses and shirts to make her quilts. 

And I always find a quilt made with the simple Sixteen Patch very comforting. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

Dec. 23 - Finished a book! Dire by Jeff Carson. The 8th book in the David Wolf mystery thriller series. 

Merry Christmas! 


  1. I like what I see. I don't think I've seen a quilt with florals and plaids like this. Have a very merry Christmas. xox ;^)

  2. I agree. I like the florals and plaids, It will be a very comforting quilt. It's so much fun to see how all of your donated fabrics seem to coordinate or at least you make them coordinate.
    Merry Christmas

  3. The blocks have a very comforting feel about them. I would have never thought of those combos, but they work wonderfully.

  4. Oh this is really pretty. Going to be nice all together. Merry Christmas!

  5. So cozy - makes me wonder how many florals and plaids I could scrape up.....


  6. I cannot tell you how happy these sixteen patch blocks make me feel! They're just wonderful. Wishing you and your husband and all of your family a Merry Christmas!

  7. These remind me of quilts I have seen from the 1930's and also the quilts my grandmother made - the one who had a farm outside Oskaloosa.

  8. I would feel very comfortable with a quilt like this. Like others have said, the florals and plaids look very old fashioned and vintage together and complement each other very well even though I wouldn't have thought of that combo myself. Since it's now Boxing Day as I'm writing this, I hope that you had a good holiday.

  9. Those floral and plaid fabrics are the perfect combination for your 16-patch blocks.

  10. These are awesome!! what a great combo!!

  11. I love these floral and plaid blocks! Isn't it fun to put unexpected fabrics together and find they are happy!


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