
Sunday, July 30, 2023

Crocheting Edgings for Pillowcases

I used to pick up a lot of needlework projects at the thrift stores years before I retired thinking it would be nice to have a stash of things to work on when I retired. I used to find such good bargains especially at the D.A.V. (Disabled American Veterans) thrift store but then I guess in later years folks were buying up the things I was buying to sell on Ebay or Etsy because a lot of the crafty/vintage type items just sorted of disappeared. Six plus years into retirement that time to work on my bargains has come and I've been having fun pulling things out of a couple of boxes I've had stored away for quite awhile.  Lately I've been working on pillowcases -embroidering on some and adding crocheted edgings to some. I also have a box of crochet threads and some of those were picked up at the thrift stores as well.  For my edgings I've been using size 10 crochet cotton and a size 7 crochet hook. I was pleasantly surprised my eyes and hands still worked well enough to crochet those edgings. 

The set of two pillowcases was 45 cents. They are made of pillowcase tubing so no side seam on them. The bird motif was already done in ballpoint embroidery paint. I've never tried using that but it is surprising that even pretty close up it looks like it has been embroidered.   These look like they will need a good soak after I finish the edging but otherwise they are in good shape and of very nice fabric that feels like 100% cotton. 

Since last Sunday's blog post on pillowcases  I've finished the embroidery and crochet edgings on a set of stamped and hemstitched pillowcases with horses.  I used some variegated embroidery threads and then found some variegated crochet cotton in my stash to use for the edgings. 

To continue with the theme I added a crochet edge fence post pattern. 

After I finish the edging on the bird pillowcases the next one to get a crocheted edging is the one above - another 45 cent bargain.  Someone has already done the embroidery - an Autumn theme - and I have some variegated crochet cotton that will go nicely with the colors whomever did the embroidery used.   

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all of these pillowcases when finished but if nothing else they might make a fun gift wrap for a quilt stuffed inside. 

And sew on...



  1. Oh, I love these, Cathy! I have a small collection of vintage pillowcases. If the autumn leaf set ever needs a new home, I'd be delighted to purchase it from you!

  2. Great buys in your stash! Love the crochet edge. Enjoy them on your own bed? Side tables?

    Happy stitching :-)

  3. That 100% cotton pillowcase tubing of the 50s and 60s was such a wonderful quality. I don't think the pillowcases ever wore out. I embroidered a lot of them when I was a teen and into my early married days. I didn't learn to crochet and most of mine were just hemmed pillowcases. They would be perfect for a quilt gift bag.

  4. Your pillow case edgings are beautiful and the work you did on the horses is just stunning, great choice using the variegated floss.

  5. Beautiful work, Cathy. All of them. We always had pillowcases like those back home. They were mostly embroidered with birds with flowers or baskets of flowers. I don't have them anymore but I still have the stencils. One day, I'll learn how to do it properly. Meanwhile, I'll admire your work a little bit more. ;^)

  6. Your crocheting on the pillowcases is so nice, a perfect finish! I never learned to crochet, my mother always finished my pillowcases. Now I just use lace and finish them that way. Happy stitching!

  7. Those birds are pretty! I've never heard of embroidery paint before, though - I think I would rather stitch them! How you get the crocheted edge attached to the pillow case to begin with? Do you start with a regular needle and some kind of stitch? Just curious!

  8. Great pillowcases, and lovely edging. Those are the kind I scoop up!

  9. Lovely embroidery pillow cases and beautiful crochet edging, Cathy.
    Happy embroidery day!

  10. Marvellous pillowcases! I had a great aunt that used the paint/embroidery on tablecloths and pillowcases... she love it and had quite a selection of colours in her collection. I also have some embroidered pillowcases handed down to me, but have no idea who stitched them.

  11. I love the bluebirds pillowcase. It so delicate and pretty.

  12. Your eyesight must be really great to do that tiny crochet edging. I always loved the variegated thread especially embroidery floss but I haven't seen any around in awhile. (Not that I need any either!)

  13. You've collected beautiful pillowcases, and a neat idea to add the crochet edging. I have embroidered table cloths made by my Mum so many, many years ago and I treasure them, sadly over the years there is a little wear but all adds to the memories.

  14. I love how you took the horse pillowcases and did the flowers in pink, and blue with crochet edging to match. I'm not sure I would have thought of that. I am interested in learning how to crochet edge. I have the books and patterns. You inspire me to give it a try. Thanks.

  15. I love these, the embroidery looks great, and the crochet edging really finishes them off. You certainly got bargain buys with these!

  16. I have a few pairs of embroidered pillowcases and even a set with crocheted edges. It seems silly but I love the older ones and what they add to my bed decor!


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