
Thursday, October 21, 2021

And Yet Another String Quilt Top

String Quilt Top #4 from what used to be a  BIG box of strings a couple weeks ago. 

This is the lap quilt sized quilt (51 x 68) made with a tutorial from a June 2017 Quilt Along at Crazy Mom's Quilts. 

This one takes a lot of background fabric and doesn't really use up all that many strings. 

I thought the background fabric would overwhelm the strings (quick! Look away if busy quilts are hard on your eyes) but I can still make out some fun strings with hearts, hummingbirds...

...birds, dogs, ladies at a tea party...

For this quilt I didn't follow the instructions at Crazy Mom's quilts. At this point in my string usage I still had a lot of long strings to use so I cut a lot of 9.5 inch lengths off of those strings. I sewed together those 9.5 inch strings along the length until I had a long sheet of them.  Then I cut them into 8.5 inch sections. I trimmed each of those 8.5 x 9.5 inch sections to be 8.5 x 9 and then cut that section in half so I ended up with two almost identical 4.5 x 8.5 pieces.  I was able to make the 48 string pieces for the quilt in no time and was able to use some of the longer strings instead of sewing lots of shorter strings together. 

...ladies at a tea party, butterflies...

This is string quilt #4 from a box of strings. I probably have a couple more. You saw me cutting wedges for a kaleidoscope string quilt I've been working on and I have at least one more string quilt after that. 

Other string quilt tops from the big box: 



  1. The two background fabrics compliment each other very well. Lovely bright flimsy for String finish #4.

  2. But those strings are no longer in the box. Wohoo!!! Another great quilt Cathy.

  3. What a fun background print you chose to go with those fabulous strings, Cathy. Love this one!!!

  4. Wonderful happy quilt top even though it didn't use up a lot of strings

  5. This quilt from Amanda Jean is on my bucket list!,

  6. Your string quilts are fabulous. #4 is vibrant and your #3 is gorgeous!
    Thanks for sharing, you're inspiring!

  7. I love it. I've been saving strings for that one. I like your liberty with the large squares. Mine will be a little boring. It is my goal to make as many quilts as I can from her two books.

  8. Having been working on string quilts lately, I really enjoyed this (for me) "blast from the past". I love the rich background and sashing squares fabrics you used. I'd snuggle under this quilt for sure! I used to follow Amanda Jean's blog back in the day but must have missed this one so thank you for including the link so I could go back and put this on the "To Do" list.


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