
Monday, October 12, 2020

It's a Finish!

It's a finish! 
The Patriot
62 x 80

Oops! I think the quilt was upside down in the first photo although I think it looks good either way. 

It's been a UFO since 2018 mainly because I had no idea how to quilt it. I finally decided on wavy lines and after every set of five wavy lines I quilted in a wavy banner of stars. I had no idea what color of thread to use so I ended up using a variegated blue on top and natural in the bobbin.  I thought those big wonky stars needed something a little extra so I hand stitched 1/4 inch inside with navy perle cotton. 

 I used a wide backing of red stars on tan. The binding was a red polka dot. 
I need to give it a good wash with a few color catchers to be sure the reds don't run and so it gets nice and crinkly and then it will go to Quilts of Valor. 

At the end of the month I will link up with OMG at Elm Street Quilts. 


  1. The quilting is perfect. And the added hand quilting around the stars is a good addition. Yet another finish. You are doing well, I think, this year.

  2. Your Patriot quilt turned out beautifully. Alycia is going to be SEW proud!!

  3. It looks fantastic. Congratulations on a fantastic quilty finish.

  4. Your Patriot quilt turned out beautifully! Congrats. That looks like it would be a fun one to do.

  5. This is fabulous! Very nice finish.

  6. Fabulous quilt! I’ve got two new ideas from your quilt which I will squirrel away in the Quilting Compartment of my brain. Firstly, to hand stitch inside the star - I have always echo stitched around the outside of stars but love how your navy thread contrasts with the white star and draws more attention to the star. Secondly, tomcopy your idea for the borders - unusual and so effective. Thanks, Cathy. I’ve lost count of how many tips and ideas I’ve learned from following your blog.

  7. Whoop Whoop!!! this turned out gorgeous...

  8. Your quilt is stunning and I think wavy lines was the perfect choice

  9. That really is fabulous, Cathy! I can kind of see a right side up to that quilt because the stars go to the left of the stripes. But quilts get used all different ways! Congratulations on your finish!

  10. Really really wonderful - love the way you quilted it!

  11. Huzzah! And the quilting you did was perfect for it!

  12. Super design! I love that it has a flag feel without being a flag copy. And your quilting is inspired on this one! I'll bet the texture is especially wonderful after washing :)

  13. Love your quilting and the hand quilted bit in the stars really set them off. Beautiful!

  14. Very nice! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!


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