
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Thirties on Tuesday

I keep my thirties reproduction and civil war reproduction fabric scraps separate from the general population of scraps. Don't ask me why. I just do and always have. Anyway, I have been trying to use up all bins and boxes of scraps and I found a little box of 3.5 inch thirties reproduction scraps and was pondering what to do with them. 

First I combined some of those scraps with some muslin pieces and solids and made a couple of Dove in the Window Variation blocks. Well, they didn't really excite me all that much so they are now in the orphan box. 

Then I tried a couple of Economy Blocks, got a little excited and decided that is what I would make using the 3.5 inch scraps as block centers.   I reviewed lots of charts for making Economy Blocks using 3.5 inch centers and finally decided on using two 3 inch squares cut on diagonal for the inner corners and two 4 inch squares cut on the diagonal for the outer corners.  That leaves very little to trim or waste. 

 I've been quilting a lot lately so after each bobbin I get up and do some other activity like block part cutting.  Then when I've finished quilting I am able to quickly chain piece all those parts. These blocks are ready for the first trimming and then I need to cut scrap chunks into 4 inch squares for the next round. I'm in no hurry to finish but now know what I am going to do with those 3.5 scraps and larger scrap chunks. So when I have a few spare moments I know what parts I need to cut. 


  1. Really pretty economy blocks with these fabrics--I don't usually use those, but I found a jelly roll of them (when did I get that??)and now want to decide how to use it up...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. What pretty fabrics. I love the 1930s range and you have some beauties - pretty colours and designs. I like the Dove in the Window but the Economy blocks are lovely. I think it is the contrasts between the two triangular surrounds to your centre square. I’m not surprised you’re keen to cut more parts.

  3. What a colorful, cheerful, and scrappy quilt top THIS will be!

  4. For some weird or twisted reason, I want my fabrics to "speak the same language" in my quilts so I, too, keep my 30s in a separate box. I really think it's because the colors of the 30s don't always blend with what we have now.

  5. Oh, those economy blocks are fantastic! Please keep the pics coming, because it makes me happy just to look at them!

  6. Very pretty blocks! Sometimes it's just fine to sew something then figure out later what to do with them. Happy stitching!

  7. Pretty blocks. I've been pondering my scrap storage methods and the only conclusion I have reached is that I have too many. Well, in fact, I have too much fabric in total. Heresy, I know, but I will never live long enough to use it all, yet can't bear to part with it yet. I'm hoping the end of garden season gets me back to more sewing,but I'm easily distracted so we'll see.

  8. how cool!! Love the blocks that you are using those prints in!!

  9. Those are yummie looking. You have a good start!


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