
Sunday, June 14, 2020

What's On My Plate?

Since I finished hand quilting the quilt that was in my hoop and since it is getting warmer (well, it was getting warmer it is actually unseasonably cool today) I will enjoy some smaller hand work projects for the next few months.  I've picked up where I left off on my crocheted squares I started last September. Eventually they will be joined together like Granny Squares into a throw. 

The squares are made from rose themed 4.5 inch scraps. I have several partial spools of pink  #10 crochet cotton that I'm using for the crochet and blanket stitch.  When I run out of rose themed scraps then I guess I will have enough squares at that point. When I run out of pink crochet cotton I guess I'll move on to another color.  In the meantime I guess I can start blocking the 16 squares I have finished. 


  1. Hi,
    Beautiful the pink and red combo...
    this will be lovely when finished. Have a great day!

  2. Those are in pretty colors, Cathy - I always love your rose-themed projects! Do you use two squares of fabric with a piece of batting in between for the centers?

  3. I will be looking forward to how you will join these and make your throw. I love seeing unique creative stitchery; the minds of creative people have no limits. Have fun with your new project and thanks for sharing.

  4. I have often thought about doing one of these but have never gotten around to it. Your pictures have sparked my interest, again. Thank you!

  5. This is very will make a gorgeous throw or tablecloth.
    Beautiful hand work!

  6. Great idea for those little squares! It will make a very pretty table topper. ---"Love"

  7. those are lovely - I look forward to seeing it come together

  8. I love it. That’s a nice compromise to crochet. You might have me talked into making some.

  9. According to my phone it was 38 degrees at 6:30 this morning. It's mid-June! What's up with that? At least I had a good excuse to stay in and quilt my Centred quilt.

  10. A pretty summer project. I love your system of moving on when different stash runs out. I’m surprised you have any rose fabrics left after making your big Rose quilt.

  11. I've never seen this type project. What is it called and how do you do it? Looks super interesting.

  12. That eventual throw is going to be pretty spectacular! (And spectacularly pretty, I'll bet!)

  13. I've never seen this kind of work before either but what a pretty project for the hot summer months. I didn't think things through well enough and now have several tops that need quilting. Ugh. Should have done them right away.


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