
Saturday, June 13, 2020


This week I dug into the 2 inch scrap bin and found I didn't have many pink scraps in there so cut some 2 inch strips from my scrap chunks to make my Single Wedding Ring blocks that finish at 7.5 inches. Yes, I see that ooopsie too. 

Speaking of wedding husband and I celebrated 47 years of marriage on June 7. Well, we didn't really celebrate since neither of us ever knows what date it is any more let alone what day it is but I noticed the date on the computer when the 7th had passed by.  Forty-seven years seems like such a long time but wasn't it only yesterday we were married and I was a young girl? 
I also made four Sixteen Patch blocks for my collection. They are made from 2 inch scraps and finish at 6 inches. I've been making them for several years when I have the scraps and I'm aiming for a total of 130 blocks. 

Speaking of are some of my Pinks (or Dianthus) in bloom in the fairy garden. I started these from seeds about three years ago and planted them in a ring around the fairy garden which is in a circle and has lots of low growing or alpine plants in it as well as a fairy door in the base of a sundial.  Every once in awhile I may even see a fairy or two. The Pinks are a perennial variety and have a sweet scent. They are evidently called Pinks because the flowers have frilly edges that look like they were cut with pinking sheers (if you have an imagination). 


  1. Beautiful pink blocks and beautiful flowers.
    Congratulations on 47 years!!

  2. Very nice pink blocks, and what a lush mysterious fairy garden... and congratulations on so many years together!

  3. Lots of progress going on here, Cathy. Love your variety of backgrounds.

  4. congrats on the anniversary - we will celebrate 46 years in august. Lovely wedding rings and pinks

  5. Love all the pinks, especially those flowers. How pretty!

  6. Lovely selection of PINK scraps, Cathy. Happy anniversary! Your "celebration" sounds about like ours last month. Just another day in paradise! :o))

  7. Happy Anniversary! That is an amazing accomplishment!
    Lots of lovely pinkness in your world and in your sewing room!

  8. Happy Anniversary! It does go by quickly. Love all the pink goodness in your world, especially in your garden!

  9. Congratulations on your anniversary! I think sewing up some pink wedding rings was the perfect celebration. Your dianthus are really pretty - I've always liked those flowers!

  10. Love the scrappy pinks in your blocks AND your pink flowers. Congrats on the 47 year mark (we hit 45 this year). Long marriages are the best kind!

  11. Forty-seven years is a long time, especially when we’re we’re young girls “just yesterday”, LOL. Congratulations! I’m jealous of your fairy garden. The location I had selected for ours disappeared when the apricot tree was cut last year, turning the area intro a sunny corner instead of a shady bower!

  12. Great blocks and a lovely Fairy garden. Recently our daughter brought me flowers, twice, sparky carnations and I’ve managed to get cuttings from the bunch as I prepared them for the vase. Hope I’m successful and get some little plants for the garden.

  13. Not sparky carnations..... SPRAY carnations!

  14. Happy Anniversary. It does seem like we were all girls just yesterday.

  15. Happy Anniversary! Love your pretty pink flowers. So vibrant against the green.The wedding ring blocks look great (I had to search twice for the boo boo!) and who doesn't love a 16 patch?

  16. 47 years of marriage is quite an accomplishment in today's world! Congratulations!
    The pink blocks will make another pretty quilt in a couple of days. ---"Love"

  17. Congratulations! Doesn't time fly.

  18. 47 years is an awesome achievement well worth celebrating!
    Love the pinks in the fairy garden, too! :)

  19. Love all of those pinks! And those flowers are gorgeous! I didn't know they were perennials. Happy Anniversary to you both!

  20. Happy Anniversary even if you didn't really get to celebrate very much. The colors of your dianthus are vivid. I don't really have a suitable spot for a fairy garden. I think the squirrels and the chipmunks would scare the fairies away.

  21. 47 years, you do wonder where the time has gone, dont you. Many congratulations indeed.

  22. Happy Anniversary!! A big 50th in the making? Thanks for the information on the “pinks”, I didn’t know that!
    I like your little Single Wedding Ring blocks, and I had to look hard for the oopsie!

  23. I love pinks! And I never knew why they were called that :)

  24. WOW!!1 Congratulations!!! THAT is an awesome number to celebrate! ( even tho you are like us and it just sorta fades into everyday life) and the Pink - So pretty

  25. All the pretty pinks!
    And big congrats on that anniversary! (you still young girl, you!)

  26. Thank you! Your wedding ring blocks prompted me to pull out my own wedding ring project and push further through my HST exhaustion. Now my turquoise blocks are done and only the emerald green variety stand between me and the final assembly.

  27. Pretty quilt blocks and pretty flowers = a winning quilt blog for me!


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