
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Strings in a Wonky Log Cabin Top

It's a top!
Wonky Log Cabin
48 x 60

"Strings and Things" is the theme in my sewing space this month.  For this top I used novelty and bright long and wide strings.   I was looking through my squares bin to see if I had anything fun to use for the Log Cabin centers and found twenty-one 3.5 inch polka dot squares. I only needed 20 for my 12.5 inch unfinished blocks. 

I suppose some folks might get a headache from looking at this kitchen sink quilt but I've found my eyes don't need a place to rest. Kids usually like to look around and play "I Spy". 

And I still have strings. Hmmm...what will I do next? 

And sew on...

REMEMBER, TREASURE, GROW, READ (my words of the year)

Finished a book! Cold Truth  -- Ellie Kline Series: Book One by Mary Stone and Donna Berdel. It is a psychological series thriller. Immediately after I finished Book One I started the second in the series of fourteen. Ellie Kline is a Charleston PD detective who investigates cold cases. She is the victim of one of those cold cases!



  1. What a fun quilt this one is. An I Spy Log Cabin quilt. I love it! ;^)

  2. I found the book on Amazon I had just finished one book today so this solves what is next to try -- the scrappy quilt

  3. What a fun quilt! I like to "play I spy" too. LOL. Happy quilting. P.S. I was thinking of you today as I was buying my seeds for my garden- already dreaming of flowers and veggies.

  4. Those green squares gave you a perfect start. I really, really like scrap quilts so I don't much feel the need to have a place for the eye to rest. LOL You did a great job as always.

  5. *Dang*, that’s a cute quilt!!! No headache is incited, just joy bubbles.🥰 Strong work! 🤩🤩🤩 Nancy O.

  6. Ooo, love the green in the center, with all the bold colors dancing around it.

    I saw there's a prequel called Cold Start, to the series. (The first six book titles begin with "Cold"; probably all do.
    Laura H.

  7. I can not tell you how much I love this one!! The center blocks are perfect for all the color riot around them!!


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