
Monday, February 17, 2025

Still Pulling Strings

"Strings and Things" is the theme in my sewing space this month. I started these Spider Web blocks last year so I started out the month with 14 blocks. My goal is 35 and I'm almost there and might be able to assemble a quilt top before month end. 

And sew on...

Making do.
It is so very cold. Right now 3 with wind chill of -13. Its 64 in the house.  I go grocery shopping every 2 weeks or so but I guess it will be 3 weeks or so before I get to the store this time. I'm not going out in this cold. I can make do with the food I have on hand. I still have potatoes and onions from the garden as well as some canned tomatoes and frozen garden veggies. I always stay stocked up on pastas and dried beans and rice. And so I can always make different soups to get me through a week's worth of lunches and dinners and I can always make bread to go with if I'm in the mood although since hubby is unable to swallow and doesn't eat meals a whole loaf of homemade bread is a bit much for me.  I guess I could freeze half a loaf.  And using the oven might warm it up a bit in here. I usually eat oatmeal with dried cranberries or raisins for breakfast and I have enough of that for a week or so. And I can also make pancakes. So, anyway, I'm going to make do with what I have on hand because I'm not going out in the cold!

Update - Tuesday, Feb. 18, 7:30 a.m.
Temperature is -11. Wind chill is -28. Temperature in this old house in the country is 59.



  1. sounds like you are set for the week or more with food - when I make bread I cut the loaf in half and slice each half and then freeze half of it - ready slices break off easily in the ziplock bags for me to take out what is needed and thaw for toast or sandwiches. It is like eating fresh bread as you want it.

  2. Brrr - we will be in the single digits within the next 48 hours with snow overnight tonight but wind chill of -28 is seriously COLD. Do your best to stay as warm as you can!

  3. As long as we have food, water and fabric we are set! Good job on using those strings!

  4. We're at the opposite end of the temperature scale in Auckland, very hot and very humid! I enjoy seeing and making string quilts so I've enjoyed seeing these two of yours, lots of lovely scrappiness.


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