
Friday, October 4, 2024

Feather Finishing

A few months ago I dug into my string bin and started several new string quilts. I usually start making a quilt with the longest and widest strings and then start several other quilts using shorter and shorter and skinnier and skinnier strings. 

This Feather Bed quilt is the one that used the longest and widest strips. This week I've worked on and off on completing 25 feathers.  I now have 38 of them and the quilt is ready to be assembled. 

I'm not in love with the background fabric but it was about all I had at the time with enough yardage. It has kind of grown on me now. It's not as bright as in the photos. I used the flash on my camera and I think that brightened it up a bit.   So, anyway, you know it's all about "make do" around here so make do I did!

Feather Bed is an Anna Maria Horner pattern.   I picked up the pattern back when it was first issued and was free but now it is no longer free.   I previously made a Feather Bed quilt back in 2016 using the pattern and hand quilted it. 

For the feathers I pull out the longer and wider strings and try to group them together by colors that will work together. Then I sew the strings together into a long and wide enough piece of made fabric to cut left and right feather pieces with a template. 

But before I assemble the blocks I need to quilt a few tops. I haven't had any finishes in awhile.  Last night I pin basted a couple of smalls so I might get around to quilting today. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (My word of the year)

Oct. 1 - Spent most of the day clearing scrub brush - mulberry bushes, honeysuckle, wild rose, wild raspberries. Also cleared a few patches of ragweed and pokeberries taller than me. How do the things I don't want to grow grow so fast?   Well, anyway, it feels good to see progress! And I'm thankful I'm using my little battery operated chain saw on scrub brush and not trees that have fallen during a hurricane. 

Oct. 2 - Spent most of the day an hour away at Univ. of Iowa Hospital and Clinics (UIHC). Hubby had three teeth removed and bone biopsy of his jaw. Now we wait for results. In the past he had fibula free flap reconstruction surgery on the jaw on the other side (they made new jaw bone from his fibula). All of his mouth problems (bone necrosis and lost teeth) are a side effect of radiation he had back when he had oropharyngeal cancer.  
That's not what I celebrated...I do not like to drive in the dark and interstate has lots of road work going on and lots of semis on the road. We started our journey to UIHC at 5:30 a.m.   Well, weather was nice but a little chilly and we made it there and back just fine. Well, my back kind of hurt a little from being so tense but no worries now.   And hubby is doing fine - very little pain, thank goodness!

Oct. 3 - Daffodil bulbs arrived. I ordered some small and fragrant ones. Also received some allium bulbs.  Deer don't bother either of those. Now I just need to get them planted. I'm putting them in the cutting garden tulip bed with what tulips I have left after the deer ate most of the leaves before they could bloom this year. I met a deer a few days ago in the middle of the afternoon when I went out to do some veg garden clean up. It was munching on my broccoli. This year deer have munched more broccoli than I have. So I pulled up all the broccoli plants and threw them on the compost pile. 

Also - remember when I celebrated sending quilts to Wrap-A-Smile on Sep. 25? Well, the coordinator lives in Asheville, NC. According to tracking info the quilts were held up in Greensboro for awhile but they were able to be delivered yesterday.  Thankfully, Ann, the coordinator is safe. She had 5 trees fall and was without power for a couple of days and still might be without internet. My nephew and family also live in Asheville and I've heard all are safe.   

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

I've Saved Up Enough Coins

I had a little pile of 2 inch width strips accumulated in my Coins project box. I matched up some strips, cut them into lengths divisible by 3 and sewed them together. Then I cut those strips into 3 inch lengths and sewed them together into strips. 

Now I can add those to the other coins in the box and I think there's enough for a quilt. I was planning on 24 x 52 layout for a quilt 60 x 78 inches.  Hmmm, not sure how I will approach assembly because I usually sew blocks together randomly and web together rows; however, these strips are all different lengths and colors and best sewn together in columns. I might have to lay this one out on the floor  and gather up the columns and number them. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

Sep. 29 - Beautiful waning crescent moon and lots of stars in the sky. When granddaughter Kayla was two years old she called it a "witch moon" and we have called the crescent moon "witch moon" ever since. That reminds me...Sometimes when the grandkids were younger we would lay on piles of quilts on the deck and look up at the sky and watch for shooting stars and alien spaceships.  The funny thing is that hubby had a green laser that he would sometimes shine on to the deck and move it around. When they claimed to see it we pretended we didn't. They started calling it the green alien. That trick went on for quite a few years until they caught grandpa red handed with the green laser!

Sep. 30 -- New underwear. It's about time!