
Saturday, May 25, 2024

WITB - Scrap Processing

10 inch finished

I have to say that I love scraps.  Not only do I make my own but I get them from other folks from time to time.  I usually have a block in the works for almost every size scrap I come across. When I receive scraps I like to process them right away and make the blocks that fit those scraps. Sometimes I don't process my own scraps right away like I always think I'm going to and they end up piling up at the end of the ironing board or side of the cutting mat. When the piles get too high I sweep them off into boxes.  Since hubby has been ill for over a year I kind of got behind on scrap processing. 

So this month the theme in my sewing space has been WITB - What's in the box, bag, bucket, basket, bin. I've put bigger scrap chunks away with like colors and put away any squares and orphan blocks in the appropriate boxes and I've made a few blocks this month from some scrap I've encountered while trying to empty out bins, bags, boxes, buckets and baskets.   Most of the blocks I make each month with scraps in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color of the month and they end up in comfort/donation quilts. 

When I started writing this post I was thinking about that memory game we used to play as kids traveling in the car..."I went on vacation and packed an apple."  "I went on vacation and packed and apple and a bag". "I went on vacation and packed an apple, a bag and a cat." ....

So...I won't repeat myself but..."I did some scrap processing and I made..."

10 inch finished

16 Patch
6 inch finished
All colors of scraps alternating with green scrap. 
I have a lot of small green scrap chunks of fabric. 

Wonky Windmills
Gray backgrounds
8 inch finished

2 x 3 rectangles in strips

Four Patch
3.5 inch finished.
2 inch squares
The squares are black and white and one other color. The Four Patches will be alternated with 3.5 solid or TOT (tone on tone) squares in a quilt. 

Bow Ties
3 inch finished
My goal is 900 and I think I only need 123 or so more. I've been making these from scraps for years. 

Then I have baggies of rectangles and squares in different sizes. I will put these away now in the appropriate bin with others of the same size.  

And now these are the bags and boxes that held scraps and are now empty!

So, the RSC color of the month has been pink but I used most of my pink scraps up earlier in the month and worked on all colors of scraps to make RSC blocks instead.   My piles of blocks are growing!

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

May 24 - After a day of rain and wind the sun came out just before sunset and then there was a beautiful sunset -- the sky all pinks and yellows. 


  1. You've made some fun and useful blocks that are pretty in every color! I'm still drawn to the Cheerios blocks. May have to try making a few, just for fun!

  2. Holy cow! You emptied a lot of boxes. Using those scraps right away is such a great idea, but I'm just not discipline enough. LOL Those Cheerio blocks are interesting and something I may have to try out.

  3. That is an IMPRESSIVE pile of empty boxes. Love your scrap management system! Use it up, don't store it :-)

  4. I'm impressed. Your scrap organization is mind blowing. Best of all you find so many constructive ways to use them to create joy for others.

  5. Look at you! Emptying all those boxes! Well done! I admire your continued commitment to the scrap users ideal! I sometimes get derailed!

  6. I'm always amazed by your output. I guess having your scraps organized by size and colour goes a long way in helping you. Must say I enjoy reading your grateful thoughts too.

  7. Please tell me how do you know what size to cut when you have a box of scraps????? I am so overwhelmed with mine that I am not utilizing them like I want to. I also love scraps and scrappy quilts and would love to learn your method of making them. Thanks

  8. Doesn't it feel good to see all those empty boxes? Lots of pretty blocks. I also love scrappy quilts more and more.

  9. Love the birds flying around all over the Cheerio block. You've got quite a pile of blocks going. Happy to hear you're getting ever closer to the end of your bow ties. 900 blocks? That will be cause for celebration!

  10. That B could also stand for BARREL. LOL. Lots of potential in all those blocks!

  11. P.S. I see some of MY fabric in those bowties. I used that orange/turquoise stripe yesterday!

  12. You have so many go-to patterns in your head! I love it. I also love seeing what you “Celebrate” each time.


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