
Friday, May 24, 2024

It's A Top! Low Volume Wonky Log Cabin

It's a top!
54 x 72

I made the blocks for this one last month when I worked on emptying out a box of srings. 

9 inch wonky log cabin blocks with low volume strings. Each block has a pastel pink center. 

This quilt sings. 

And this quilt has a heart. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

May 22 - Shared the bounty. Delivered my homegrown asparagus, rhubarb and peony bouquets to a few people. 

May 23 - Received a box of someone's quilt back trimmings.  It was so fun to look at all the different fabrics. 



  1. Nice, Cathy--this is a really true low volume quilt--such lovely pastels...
    wonderful work Have a super Holiday weekend...hugs, Julierose

  2. The heart at the heart of these log cabins is the perfect touch. How much is left in that box of strings?

  3. This is wonderful! Love the color palette.

  4. Very cute! You were kind to share your asparagus. Happy stitching!

  5. Those wonky pastel strings have turned into a very pretty quilt. Lots of I Spy opportunities here. I would love to rummage through the box of quilt trimmings you were gifted. I expect as you sort through them your quilter’s brain will be seeing which quilt could be made from every piece. I would enjoy following that process.

  6. Oh it is so very lovely! It has such a fresh vibe like spring air!

  7. Such a darling quilt. I always leave feeling inspired by you:) How wonderful to receive a box of scraps. I bet we will be seeing them in a new quilt soon. Happy Memorial Day. Hugs.

  8. So pretty! I bet this one is fun to look at in person!

  9. Such a delightful way to use all those pastel strips & strings, I love it! And yes, look forward to what you do with the box of scraps... I'm all for passing things on!

  10. That was a good idea to use the pink centers. They really helped make the quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Its awesome - and with the sun shining thru... wowzers!


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