
Thursday, November 30, 2023

Another Finish! Dandy Leftovers

It's a finish! 
Dandy Leftovers
40 x 60

It is quilted very simply with vertical and horizontal lines on both sides of the seam lines. 

The binding fabric is the same as the backing fabric. 

The Star is quilted with swirls. 

The backing came from a quilty friend. I am thankful for the quilty friends who enable me with gifts of backings and scraps to make a lot of donation quilts. I love to piece with scraps! 

A little quilting marathon has been going on here. Soon I will have boxes of comfort quilts for two of my favorite charities that provide quilts for kids  - Wrap-A-Smile  (WAS)  and      Quilts Beyond Borders.  (QBB)

If you are interested in joining an online group of folks who make quilts for the above two charities and many more then join us at the Sunshine Online Quilt Guild

Notes on shipping:
I recently mailed off a two boxes of quilts to Wrap-A-Smile.  In order to save on shipping costs I tried out Pirate Ship for shipping since it has been recommended by several persons who have been shipping through them for awhile.  I first went to the UPS site to see what the cost would be to ship one box. Then I sent to Pirate Ship to see what the cost would be. I was shocked. I could ship two boxes via Pirate Ship for the cost of one box via shipping directly via UPS.   With Pirate Ship you just measure and weigh your box and then enter destination and then you get various options for shipping either via UPS or USPS. Then pick your option and pay your bill online and then print your box label and take it to any UPS drop off location. I'm definitely going to use Pirate Ship from now on. 

Also next time I'm going to vacuum pack my boxes so I can fit more in.   There's a Youtube video on ow to vacuum pack at Merry Mabel Market.  Or if you have an old laptop and phone like me and they tell you that you need to update before you can watch a Youtube video but then tell you that you can't update because your devices are too old then there is a pdf file on how to vacuum pack at Merry Mabel Market.    For my recent shipping to Wrap-A-Smile I was able to fit 6 quilts in each of my boxes. I have another box the same exact size so next time I ship we shall see how many I can fit in when I vacuum pack! 

And sew on...



  1. You have a magic wand, right? You must have a magic wand...

  2. Darling quilt, Cathy. I love the variety of fabrics and shirtings in this piece. I have been offline and have been catching up on your posts. You have been very busy. Love you sunny churn dash and orphan Ernestine in the previous post too. I had an aunt named Ernestine. Have a lovely weekend.

  3. That's another lovely quilt too, with a homely vibe to it. Postage is always expensive, your idea of vacuum packing the donation quilts is a good idea,

  4. A delightful quilt, love the cosy vintage vibe.

  5. A lovely quilt, love the big dramatic star. Goodness you are motoring through these finishes! Your quilty friends are certainly coming up trumps with providing you with super backings. They must get a kick out of seeng how you utilise their gifts.

  6. that big star block adds so much to the squares in your quilt gift--how lovely an idea--hugs, Julierose

  7. Having been unable to head to my computer for a few days I'm just catching up on your posts - and what an astounding collection of quilts you've posted. I love that they're so colourful and each one so different. Any of these quilts will bring a smile and comfort to whomever is lucky enough to have one, both tremendous charities to donate to.


Thank you for your time. I enjoy comments and try to respond to them all.