
Saturday, February 4, 2023

Pink Potpourri

Monkey Wrenches
7.5 inch finished

When PINK was declared as February's Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color I went right to my pink scrap box to see what I had in there. Mostly I have bigger scrap "chunks" - larger than 5 inch width piece and smaller than a FQ (fat quarter) - but there were a few smaller pieces I wanted to deal with so I pulled those out. 

The first pink pieces I worked with were 3.5 inches and 2 inches in width.  With those I made Monkey Wrench blocks - 3.5 inch HSTs combined with 2 inch squares. 

I have quite a collection of Monkey Wrench blocks in 3 sizes and will continue to add to those collections most of this year and at year end I'll see how many donation quilts I can make. 

Bow Ties 
3 inch finished
Squared Away
7.5 inch finished

While I had the 2 inch pink scraps handy I first checked my bag of already made 3 inch Broken Dishes blocks to see if I had four pink blocks I could turn into a Squared Away block. I had enough for one block and while I was in there I also pulled out four gray blocks.  I cut sashing from 2 inch scraps and made the Squared Away blocks.   Then with what 2 inch pieces were left and big enough for a Bow Tie block got made into Bow Ties.  I have a big collection of those, have been making them for several years and am going to make a big quilt with them someday.

Little Soul Searching
12 x 14 inches finished

Late last year I finally emptied out my 1.5 inch scrap bin and one of the last blocks I made were some small versions of a block called Soul Searching.  I need a few more blocks in order to have enough blocks for a child sized donation quilt. I didn't have a pink block so decided to cut 1.5 inch strips off of several of those pink chunk scraps I mentioned and then I made a Little Soul Searching. 

Then I used the 1.5 inch leftover pieces in some Little Baskets that finish at 4 inches. 

I was putting the book Scrappy Firework Quilts by Edyta Sitar away now that I'm finished with my Hexagon Roses Quilt from that book and noticed I had Lil' Baskets bookmarked. So, I didn't put the book away but put it with my new project.   I've had a fabric with little baskets on it for a number of years and thought it would be nice to use for the alternate squares in the quilt. I'm shocked I have enough! It was meant to be!   So I will make baskets in the RSC color of the month as well as use a cream background and make the "basket" part of the block in reds or browns. 

Monkey Wrenches
5 inch finished
Switch Plates
3 x 5 finished
4 inch finished
Chinese Coin strip 3.5 inches wide

Back to the pink scraps...
I had a few pink 2.5 inch pieces and along with some 1.5 inch pieces I turned those into Monkey Wrench blocks. Then any 1.5 inch pieces long enough for a Switch Plate got cut and made into those blocks. (If there were any 3.5 inch scraps left that  I could cut to make Switch Plates I would also have made the Switch Plates from those scraps. In this case I didn't.)  Then any 2.5 inch or 1.5 inch scraps I could cut into 4 identical 1.5 x 2.5 inch pieces got cut and made into Windmill blocks.  The Chinese Coin strip was what was left of the 3.5 inch scraps after I made those Monkey Wrench blocks and cut squares. 

Any scraps left got cut into squares or 1.5 x 2.5 rectangles (for Lego blocks). 

And sew on...



  1. What a lot of pink! You have had a busy week. Great work. xx

  2. Wow, there are super-cute things coming out of your pink scrap bin! Love the soul searching log cabin, and of course the Squared Away blocks!

  3. Wow! That is a lot of pink scraps made into lots of pretty blocks. Whatever will you do the rest of the month?

  4. such fun to watch these grow from scraps

  5. You inspire all of us! I especially like your Squared Away blocks this week :)

  6. SEW many sweet PINK blocks, Cathy, but I absolutely LOVE your new Basket project!!!

  7. What a pretty post. I am definitely going to look into the Edyta book - thanks for mentioning it.

  8. Oh my goodness I can’t believe how fast you work. All those blocks made in such an organised ways, You must have an amazing brain to keep all those ideas in order to make use of literally every bit of each pink scrap. The little flower baskets are just beautiful.

  9. You are in the pink, indeed! The basket print will be a visual pun for your baskets quilt.

  10. I love your little baskets! They'll make an amazing quilt!

  11. Beautiful blocks in perfect sizes! I so enjoy browsing your blocks.

  12. Pretty pinks here, there, and everywhere!

  13. You've been busy! All those pretty pink blocks! I have to make some progress on my basket quilt this year, it's been a UFO for some years now.

  14. It's all very impressive and inspiring!

  15. Whew! Lots of PINK productivity!

  16. Sometimes we buy fabrics and years later they turn out to be just what we need for a project, love all the beautiful pink blocks you are working on.

  17. So much pinkie goodness! great use of your scraps !

  18. I am anxious to see your basket quilt take shape as I love baskets, especially small or tiny ones. I also have some basket print fabric in a darker red which I had forgotten about until I saw yours. But I had already started making small 4" ones awhile ago so I'm not sure how that would work out. I also have a finished flimsy with large Kim Diehl baskets with handles that needs to be quilted. Too many quilts, too little time.

  19. I’ve just managed to get the Scrappy Firework Quilts book. Looked on Amazon and there were only ones coming from the USA with postage of nearly £30! Also tracked about three down on another secondhand bookstore online here in the UK but having ordered it they emailed to say that they could no longer get it! Husband John walked into town to our small local book shop ( a dying breed here in the UK now) and lo and behold they tracked one down for him. I had a Christmas book token from a friend so John used that too. Win win. I shall enjoy browsing through it!


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