
Monday, May 23, 2022

Grape Baskets

Remember I said at the beginning of the month that my theme for the month was baskets and that I wanted to try to move forward four different UFOs with baskets?? Well, this is basket UFO #3 and is a traditional block called Grape Basket that finishes at 15 inches. I started making them back in 2019.  And of course Grape Baskets should have some grapes in them. 

When I pulled out the box of grape themed fabric and finished blocks at the beginning of the month I found I had made 6 blocks and figured I should make 18 blocks total to be set on point. 

So far this month I have made 6 more blocks and have a total of 12 blocks now. I only have six more to go! 

Hopefully I won't run out of grapes! Hopefully I can move forward with this quilt before it is vintage! 

Way back in the day I used to collect grape fabrics. We used to make our own wine from our own grapes. Then hubby got oropharyngeal cancer and he quit drinking wine because he said it burned his throat. And I don't drink that much. Then I started making grape jelly and grape juice. Then I started giving the grapes away so others could make wine and jelly and juice. 

I've heard it through the grape vine that I might just finish six more by month end. MIGHT! 

The instructions are from Ladies' Art Company Block Tool but I make mine just a little bit differently and use Easy Angle rulers to cut my HSTs. 

And sew it goes...



  1. I've been collecting grape/wine-themed fabric to make bottle totes. But I like your idea better since my bag making skills are limited.

  2. Your Grape Baskets are fabulous! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a grape fabric but you have some great ones. They will make a gorgeous quilt and I’m sure you will have all the blocks made by the end of the month.

  3. Clever, clever -- a bounteous harvest!

  4. As much as I like the flower basket you shared earlier, I have always liked this basket design. Maybe I need to make a basket sampler instead of making just one design. So much to consider . . .

  5. I think you inspired me to pour a glass of wine. Nice work!

  6. I loved Linda's comment that you inspired her to pour a glass of wine. I have 6 or 7 grape fabrics (the Finger Lakes in NY is home to many small wineries), but all I've ever made is a few wine bottle totes.

  7. For some unknown reason, I seem to be craving a glass of my favorite wine...

  8. LOVE those easy angle rules! Nice baskets, that is a lot of grape fabric. Definitely time to use it up.

  9. Uh oh. Looks like I'll be starting another basket quilt...

  10. I have never made a basket quilt but often thought would like to because I love the block pattern. Food for thought!


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