
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Nine Patch November: Sister's Choice and Framed Tops

Two Tops
Both 40 x 60

I mentioned in an earlier blog post that I wanted to concentrate this month on using both three and six inch Nine Patches. The Parts Department needs an inventory reduction!

Last year, I finally emptied out my 2.5 inch scrap bin and one of the last blocks I made was Nine Patches.  Since then whenever I have 2.5 inch left overs  I have also made Nine Patches. 

I picked out some of the lighter colored Nine Patches and turned them into 10 inch (finished) Sister's Choice blocks. 

I had set aside a little box of pastel colored scrap chunks to make some Sawtooth Stars blocks for baby quilts so used some of those scraps to cut the pieces for the HSTs and squares needed to turn the Nine Patches into Sister's Choice blocks. 

I also have a little drawer with neutral scrap chunks that doesn't seem to have a bottom so that's what I used for the neutral backgrounds. 

This one is a little bit wilder. I picked out the multicolored Nine Patches for this one and turned them into 10 inch (finished) Framed Nine Patches. Actually they could be called Happy Nine Patches because I made them the same way I make Happy Blocks. 

I also had a little box of multicolored scrap chunks to use for the frames.  
I tried to pick out mostly blue multicolor but didn't have quite enough frames so added in a few orange frames. 

Next I will be working on a larger top that uses red and yellow nine patches. And I'm working on several tops that use 3 inch Nine Patches. More on that later. 



  1. Love the 9-patch blocks...great idea for leftovers...And sisters is gorgeous--so light and pastel...nice works hugs, Julierose

  2. Way to go finishing another flimsy. Nice job using up those scraps.

  3. Definitely Happy Nine Patches. Great idea to frame those Nine patches. Love the Sisters Choice quilt too.

  4. Beautiful nine patches, Sister's Choice and Framed Nine Patch!
    Your photos are gorgeous with all those fall leaves. Thanks for sharing, so much inspiration here!

  5. Love both of them but the 9-patch really stands out for me. It has a more masculine feel and I have a lot of boys in my family. I might have to make that one in the near future.

  6. There's just something about a nine-patch, isn't there? I'm pretty sure I have more than enough to finish my Jack's Chain, but somehow I still seem to be making more...

  7. Super Great tops - I really like that 9 patch one!


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