
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Quilts of September #16

Uneven Nine Patch
42 x 60

Six inch blocks made with scraps in warm colors.

I quilted it on my DSM with swirls in custard colored thread.

The binding is a sort of striped fabric with red, yellow and orange lines. 

The back is warm colors too.

That's finish #16 for September!
My OMG (One Monthly Goal) is to see how many quilts I can finish in September.

And on to the next!
(How many will I finish in September????) 

I vowed that there would be no piecing, cutting or squirrels allowed in the sewing room this month . I'm starting to experience withdrawal symptoms.  Hope I can make it to the end of the month!  😅 8 days and counting!



  1. wow! jsut wow! you're amazing! i can't believe you have another one done! keep up the good work- you can do it! october will be here before you know it, and then you can start all. the. quilts. !!!

  2. I can't imagine a whole month with no cutting or piecing, but I also can't imagine getting so many quilts finished in a month. I know you were very well prepared at the beginning of the month with your quilt tops, backings and batting all ready to go, but this is still unbelievable, especially on a domestic machine. I can't wait to see the final tally!
    I love the colors of this quilt, and the backing is fantastic!

  3. A glorious bright, warm and cheery quilt! The backing is a perfect match for the front of the quilt. Another quilt I love! Only 2 days to start cutting and piecing again..... I bet you have got dozens of ideas running around inside your head!🤗

  4. My shoulders and neck would have given out by now. I really like this one. Bright colors trump pastels every time in my book.

  5. Congratulations for keeping the squirrels at bay this month …. It watch out for October! You will be happy to cut out and piece.

  6. That is a great color combo!!!
    I need some of your Sewjo!!!!

  7. My what a beautiful quilt, the back fabric is striking, too . . . perfect combo :)

  8. ah, i envy the breathing space you are creating in your backlog so that you can go forth and SQUIRREL once again. Love the finish, love the effort, am wondering how many more finished tops you have in your queue....??

  9. So many beautiful quilts! (You haven't slept in three weeks, right? It's the only explanation for where the time is coming from to get all this quilting done...)

  10. Your last three quilts are super beautiful and so fun! Creepy Crawlys and the soft Hour Glass blocks and the Uneven Ninepatch in warm colors, inspiring.
    As Gayle mentioned you must be staying up late.

  11. Ooohhhh - I do like the colours in this one! As always you are an inspiration for sticking with your plans. Hang on for the rest of Sept and you can reward yourself with a brand new project in 7 days time.


  12. What a beautifully bright and colourful quilt. Well done. The backing is great also.

  13. Sweet Sixteen! Another awesome finish - those uneven nines in those colors are the bomb! YAY!!!

  14. Such a vibrant puss in the corner quilt! Wow!

  15. Another cutie! This is the perfect little girls quilt! You really must be going through withdrawal. Or, you could just piece a few blocks here and there without telling us... We would understand anyways.

  16. Wow! That's a bright one, Cathy!! It's sure to make someone smile.

  17. Some of my favorite colors altogether in one quilt! Love how this one sparkles!:)


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