
Sunday, June 27, 2021

Sugarloaf Leftovers

I finished my Sugarloaf Star quilt top (pattern: Flashes of Brilliance by Pam Buda) back in January of this year.  Since then I've had a little box of the leftover strip set pieces and cut off ends on my cutting table. I decided I should empty the box. 

The Sugarloaf Stars were made up of six Sugarloaf wedges.  

So I decided to see how many wedges I could get out of my leftover strip sets. 

I was kind of surprised to find out...

...I could make 33 wedges from those leftovers. 

I decided to see how they would look alternating with solid yellow wedges. I have several different pieces of different solid yellows. Yeah, that looks pretty good. (You know the alternating solid color is subject to change.) So I kind of roughly drafted out how many Sugarloaf Wedges and alternate solid wedges I would need for a nice throw. 

Then I started making more Sugarloaf wedges. Looks like I can get 8 wedges from a strip set so I think I only have about 4 more strip sets to make 32 more wedges. I said I THINK because I'm not sure what I did with that rough draft now. 



  1. Oh, Cathy, there’s no end to your ingenuity! Great scrap blocks made from scraps! What a great quilt you are making.

  2. Funny how using up leftovers leads to cutting more . . .

  3. I especially love those purple ones. I didn't know that Sugarloaf wedges were made from strip sets. That would make it a lot more doable. I've always admired Sugarloaf quilts but never thought I would have the patience.

  4. Ha,ha, making more blocks to use up leftovers. It's an endless cycle. I love these blocks, but not sure they will ever rise to the top of the pile.

  5. I am so liking where you are going with this!!

  6. You are a magician!!🙂. I really enjoy your blog - thank you! (

  7. I like the color combinations and anxiously await how you will use these pretty triangles.

  8. wonderful use of leftovers - it will be fun to see

  9. Your scrappy productivity amazes me, Cathy!!

  10. That's a great idea! I've been ripping my strip pieces apart and using them to make Easy Breezy blocks. Looking forward to seeing how your experiment turns out!

  11. Oh, goodness! There you go again with the great ideas!
    Your first Sugarloaf was temptation enough - now with another one? I'm wondering if I have that magazine issue kicking around here somewhere...

  12. Way to go! You'll have Sugar Loaf Quilt 2.0 before you know it! Looks amazing on the cheddar, if you ask me.

  13. Clever you. I've been thinking about a design similar to this and you inspire me to get started soon.


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