
Friday, March 26, 2021

Tulipa Errata

Tulipa Errata
76 x 76

It's a finish!

Pattern was from the book Material Obsessions 2 by Kathy Doughty called Now and Then. 

I call my quilt Tulipa Errata because the pattern had errors. It gave incorrect cutting instructions for those triangles and center block where I appliqued the string tulips and I didn't know there were errors until I went to assemble all of the parts. I read and reread the pattern. Measured and remeasured the parts and decided I had cut everything and constructed everything according to the pattern. Then I went searching for errata. I couldn't find the publisher STC-Craft's web page. Finally I found contact information for Kathy Doughty and sent her an email and received a response with corrections. (See August 2019 post for original email and response.) At my stage in the process those corrections did not do me any good. I had to improvise and ended up adding coping strips here and there in order to bring my center square and triangles up to the correct size so I could finish assembling the quilt. 

I used 1.5 inch scrap strips in '30s reproduction fabrics to make the tulips. I wish I had used strings of different widths or made fabric instead. 

I used 2.5 inch scraps to make some of the sections in the borders. 
I hand quilted it with a variety of pink and red perle cotton #8.

Most of the quilting was crosshatch but in the triangles with the tulips I added some hand stitched petals here and there. 

For the backing I used some old pink Fancy Nancy fabric I've had around since the granddaughters were little Fancy Nancies. It just seemed appropriate since it looks like Fancy Nancy and others are celebrating Spring.  For the binding I used some of the longer pieces I found in the box of 2.5 inch wide '30s reproduction scraps. 

Well, this quilt is not for me. There is just too much pink in it. But I'm sure a special person will come along one of these days that will need it. So into the gift pile it goes. 


  1. Sweet! I know you'll find someone to love it. And thank you for the reminder about looking for any errata online before I start a project. That experience had to have been so frustrating, but you really fixed it so well.

  2. I like pink but I have to agree this one is pinker than pink! Your tulips are wonderful - sorry this one caused so many errata-related headaches (but the name really says it ALL).

  3. That is definitely a lot of pink, but so happy as well! Glad you figured out a way through the frustration of all the pattern errors to finish it up.

  4. A fabulous pink springtime finish! I like Kathy Doughty's stuff a lot -- sorry you had such a challenge with this. Looks like you recovered beautifully :)

  5. You have a fabulous finish despite the pattern errors and frustrations. Love the soft colors.

  6. I love the vintage feel to this quilt and the fabric and color choices. So pretty. I am happy that you found your way through the problems and didn't let them stop you from finishing this delightful quilt.

  7. This is outstanding!! I personally love all the pink... ( surprise I know) but the way you used the red and the frames - wow .. amazing!

  8. Regardless of the problems encountered, it turned out beautiful, and very interesting! ---"Love"

  9. Hi,
    Awesome quilt...glad you could fix it.
    Have a great day!

  10. What a beauty! So colourful and bright for me to see as we just got rid of the snow and now have pouring down rain. How clever you are to work out that design and how strange such errors had not been corrected. Unusual. I also loved Pea Soup btw. Such lovely quilting to see here!

  11. This turned out beautifully despite your pattern woes...some little pnk lover will just be so happy with it...hugs, Julierose

  12. So sad about the pattern errors, but glad you powered through! It's such a cotton candy pink quilt. Wowsers! Love the scrappy tulips especially. It's gonna be a very special quilt for someone some day!:)

  13. I love the background color you used. It really sets it off.

  14. I wrote back in 2019 regarding this quilt I had the book and loved it It was on my to-do list. I still want to make it ... especially after seeing your lovely one but I will need the correction as well. Do you still have a copy of them or a way to contact Kathy or publisher? Would so appreciate it. Thanks.

  15. This has a very vintage feel and someone out there will love a pink quilt with tulips and Fancy Nancy to boot. I remember when you wrote earlier about the problems with the cutting directions. Such an aggravation, but you solved it and didn't let it wind up as a UFO forever.

  16. Your quilt is just breathtakingly beautiful!

  17. HOw frustrating to find errors in the pattern. So pleased you managed to work it out, it looks lovely and you have hand quilted it too! Yes, you are right, it is very pink!

  18. another beautiful quilt in your collection

  19. Very boho (Jen Kingwell, Kathy Doughty) -- and a beauty!

  20. Thank goodness for coping strips and a fabulous finish, in spite of errata!!

  21. I am so sorry you had such a time getting this one done, but it is surely pretty. I'm sure someone will love it a lot!

  22. I think it turned out beautifully. I like pink a lot, but in measured doses. Tulipa Errata would probably be better for a younger girl. (At this point most “girls” are younger than us anyway, right?) I’m glad you had the know-how and perseverance to get past the pattern’s shortcomings.

  23. Your quilt came out beautiful! I had not seen that pattern before. How frustrating to not have the correct measurements. I would have been tearing my hair out and probably have given up. Glad you didn't though.

  24. Well, I love all of your quilts. You are a constant inspiration to me. I'd love to own this one. How do we connect so that we can discuss a purchase if that is acceptable to you?

  25. In spite of your frustration, it turned out lovely. But I too say it is too pink.


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